Thứ 6, Ngày 21/03/2025, 09:00
Binh Duong: Supporting businesses to proactively adapt, recover quickly, and develop sustainably
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​PORTAL - The Provincial People's Committee requested the implementation of directives from Permanent Deputy Prime Minister Nguyen Hoa Binh as stated in Official Dispatch No. 1033/VPCP-DMDN dated February 10, 2025, from the Government Office, regarding the report on the implementation of Resolution No. 58/NQ-CP on key policies and solutions to support businesses in proactively adapting, rapidly recovering, and sustainably developing until 2025.

​​​Accordingly, heads of units and localities are to continue effectively implementing the task groups and solutions assigned in Official Dispatch No. 4139/UBND-KT dated August 11, 2023, of the Provincial People's Committee regarding the implementation of Government Resolution No. 58/NQ-CP dated April 21, 2023; and the Provincial People's Committee's Plans to promote double-digit economic growth in Binh Duong Province in 2025.

This includes focusing on enhancing support for businesses in accessing state support policies: relevant departments, agencies, and sectors are to proactively disseminate and guide businesses in accessing support policies related to finance, taxation, land, human resource training, and digital transformation as outlined in Government Resolution No. 58/NQ-CP.

Promote administrative procedure reform: Continue to review and simplify administrative procedures related to business production and operations; reduce time and costs for businesses in implementing administrative procedures.

Support business digital transformation and innovation: Encourage and support businesses to apply information technology, use digital signatures, and undergo digital transformation in management and production; promote research and innovation activities to improve business productivity, quality, and competitiveness.

Strengthen connectivity among businesses: Create conditions for businesses in the province to participate in value chains and production and business linkages; Promote cooperation between large, small and medium-sized enterprises to maximize resources and market opportunities.

The Department of Agriculture and Environment is assigned to continue researching, implementing, and reporting on the evaluation of the implementation of assigned tasks.


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