Chủ Nhật, Ngày 22/10/2023, 09:00
Binh Duong: Best promoting potential and advantages in new context and conditions
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​PORTAL - On the morning of October 21, at the Provincial Administration Center, the Party Central Committee's Theoretical Council coordinated with the Binh Duong Provincial Party Committee to organize a scientific discussion "Current status of Binh Duong province's development model and its significance in the country's innovation process".

​Chaired by Mr. Nguyen Van Loi - Member of the Party Central Committee, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Head of the Provincial Delegation of National Assembly Deputies; Prof.Dr. Ta Ngoc Tan - former member of the Party Central Committee, Permanent Vice Chairman of the Party Central Committee's Theoretical Council; Prof.Dr. Nguyen Quang Thuan - Head of the Economic Subcommittee of the Party Central Committee's Theoretical Council.

Innovative development model

Provincial Party Secretary Nguyen Van Loi said that the discussion is a preparation step for the Seminar "Development model of Binh Duong province in the country's renovation process" in upcoming November.


Overview of the scientific discussion

This is one of the activities within the framework of the cooperation program to implement the Project "Summary of Binh Duong province's development model in the country's innovation process and vision towards 2050" between the Binh Duong Provincial Party Committee and the Party Central Committee's Theoretical Council. The project is a very important and urgent political task, not only shaping the development of Binh Duong province in the next three decades, but also contributing to providing arguments for building the Document of the 14th Party Congress and summarizing 40 years of national innovation.


Provincial Party Secretary Nguyen Van Loi speaks at the discussion

Binh Duong province commits to continue to coordinate more closely to contribute to promoting the process of completing the summary of Binh Duong province's development model in the country's innovation process and vision towards 2050 according to the proposed plan; in the immediate future, coordinate to successfully organize the seminar "Binh Duong province's development model in the country's renovation process" in upcoming November.

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After 26 years of development, Binh Duong has achieved impressive achievements

Speaking at the opening of the conference, Prof. Dr. Ta Ngoc Tan - former member of the Party Central Committee, Permanent Vice Chairman of the Party Central Committee's Theoretical Council emphasized that the development achievements of Binh Duong province over the past 25 years have reflected the very creative development model "The central government opens the way, localities create, enterprises accompany, and people participate"; and also a unique model, meeting the approach: "Global thinking, national vision, local action". The Binh Duong model was chosen by the Party Central Committee's Theoretical Council to implement the Project with the expectation that this model will continue to develop as a model, typically spreading in many localities, so that the whole country has many development models like Binh Duong.


Prof.Dr. Ta Ngoc Tan - former Member of the Party Central Committee, Permanent Vice Chairman of the Party Central Committee's Theoretical Council delivers the opening speech

With a starting point as a purely agricultural province, Binh Duong has decided to focus on building a modern economic development strategy based on promoting the advantages of geographical location, available resources and creating an open business and investment environment, making Binh Duong the second most attractive province for foreign investment in the country with 65 territories and countries choosing Binh Duong as an investment destination. Binh Duong has transformed itself and risen to become a developed province with a high rate of industrialization and urbanization in the Southern Key Economic Region. The average income per capita reached 170 million VND/person/year, considered by the Central Government to be the locality with the highest per capita income in the country. The urbanization rate is fast, reaching a rate of over 84%. According to Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tran Kim Chung - Scientific Secretary of the Party Central Committee's Theoretical Council, the success of Binh Duong province's development model comes from many factors, first of all thanks to a leadership team that is steadfast in vision, will and innovative actions. For more than 25 years, generations of Binh Duong provincial leaders have always maintained the spirit of innovation. From the initial stage of attracting investors, to the stage of attracting large investments, moving to the stage of innovating the growth model, strengthening regional linkages and now summarizing the model to transfer to a new stage of development, the leadership team of Binh Duong province is always at the forefront of research for development.


Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tran Kim Chung - Scientific Secretary of the Party Central Committee's Theoretical Council presents his presentation

The province has correct policies and organizations to implement in strengthening links to attract resources: capital and labor. The key role of State-owned enterprises in spreading impacts and contributing to the province's socio-economic development in attracting foreign investment and developing private enterprises is affirmed in reality. The joint venture model in industrial park infrastructure development between the province's State-owned enterprises and FDI enterprises over the past 25 years can be said to be one of the reasons for Binh Duong's success.

Binh Duong has a favorable area in terms of economic geography, space, and climate. In recent years, along with the slowdown in investment attraction, including private investment, demonstrating the need for new moves in economic development, Binh Duong has actively entered the 4.0 revolution. One of the manifestations is the transition from the industry - service - agriculture structure to industry - service - urban structure, the most obvious being participation in the alliance of smart cities. "Binh Duong Smart Region" takes as its core some localities with strong socio-economic development of the province.

Establish a higher economic development model

In addition to delving into analysis and drawing practical lessons from Binh Duong's successful model, delegates also pointed out the limitations and challenges that the province faces in the development process, and proposed and suggested solutions for the province.

Prof. Dr. Nguyen Quang Thuan pointed out the challenges and problems facing Binh Duong today. Specifically, Binh Duong's development model is still not sustainable, Binh Duong's growth does not rely much on total factor productivity (TFP) but mainly on increased capital and labor. The economic structure is not reasonable, the service industry is not yet developed; economic growth depends on FDI; the main workforce is still unskilled, immigrant, and unstable; production is mainly machining, assembling and processing; infrastructure still does not meet requirements; social structure is still backward, etc.


Binh Duong continues to improve the business environment, attract high quality investment, attract and train highly skilled workers

According to Prof. Dr. Nguyen Quang Thuan, to achieve the province's goals by 2030, with a vision to 2050, Binh Duong needs a master plan, clearly defining Binh Duong's development model in the coming period and a vision to 2050. Binh Duong's development model in the coming period must best promote its potential and comparative advantages in the new context and conditions. Strong transformation to a development model based on science and technology, innovation, science and technology and high-quality human resources must be a breakthrough in development. Improving the production and business environment to attract and create production chains and commodity chains with headquarters located in Binh Duong province. Promoting service development, turning services into a main industry, focusing on service industries with high added value. Focusing on investing in connecting infrastructure projects within the province and connecting the region; attracting talented and high-quality human resources to live, do business and work in Binh Duong province. Enhancing the attraction of high technology to enterprises, schools, and research institutes in Binh Duong province. Having an incentive mechanism to attract technology transfer to entities in Binh Duong province. In addition, there is a need for Centers to support science, technology and innovation solutions to serve as incubators for the development of science, technology and innovation. Focusing on completing the upgrade of Binh Duong province into a centrally run city with all the criteria set by the state. Creating a mechanism to balance and allocate state budget by region, not by province, for total public investment capital for regional infrastructure development. At the same time, giving high priority to public investment capital for infrastructure projects that connect the region.

Although there have been important achievements, however, according to delegates, Binh Duong's development model still has some limitations and shortcomings: Binh Duong has not attracted strategic investors - the "leading cranes". The province also does not have product linkage chains or industry linkage clusters in the province. Infrastructure projects connecting the region are still in the stage of completion. Service development is not commensurate with industry and urban areas. The private economic sector has not developed at the right level, etc.

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Dr. Cao Duc Phat - former Permanent Deputy Head of the Party Central Committee's Economic Commission, Deputy Head of the Economic Subcommittee of the Party Central Committee's Theoretical Council speaks at the discussion

Through analysis, Dr. Cao Duc Phat - former Permanent Deputy Head of the Party Central Committee's Economic Commission, Deputy Head of the Economic Subcommittee of the Party Central Committee's Theoretical Council said that to maintain economic growth, Binh Duong must continue to improve the business environment and attract high-quality investment; attract and train highly skilled workers; prioritize attracting investment that creates high added value, use higher quality labor, and develop the domestic economy; develop human resource training, improve labor productivity; upgrade infrastructure both in urban and rural areas; develop advanced and high-quality education, health care and culture; have a sustainable environmental protection mechanism and adapt to climate change.


Dr. Huynh Ngoc Dang - Chairman of the Provincial Historical Science Association shares about the development directions of Binh Duong in the coming time

Sharing about development directions in the coming time, Dr. Huynh Ngoc Dang - Chairman of the Provincial Historical Science Association said that, facing with the world's trends and movements, Binh Duong has determined the need to go beyond the old-style industrial economic development model to establish a higher-class economic development model to gradually move away from labor-intensive and land-intensive, with priority given to attracting high-tech, clean-tech projects that are less labor-intensive, have high added value, have spillover effects, and connecting global production and supply chains. With the above orientation, the province's investment attraction strategy has made very basic adjustments to both continue to promote existing strengths and fit the investment trend in the digital era and the 4.0 Industrial Revolution, towards the goal of Net zero, through transforming the development model from industry - urban - service to new development models through provincial planning tools from now until 2030 and beyond until 2050.

This process is implemented by the province in two phases: Phase I, by 2030, forming an industrial - urban - service - smart - sustainable model. In which, building and upgrading existing industrial parks to become smart industrial parks, with the ability to provide 4.0 technology platforms such as IoT, BigData, etc. to help investors easily build and deploy smart factory and smart production models in Binh Duong's ecosystem quickly and effectively, to increase labor productivity and attract green, environmentally friendly industries.

Phase II, by 2050, the model of industry - urban - international services - innovation - science and technology will be basically formed, including the construction of industrial parks associated with science and technology to attract institutes, schools, research and development and innovation activities, service industries, and digital services to attract high value-added industries.

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