Thứ 2, Ngày 27/02/2023, 09:00
Vietnam Business Association in Japan explores investment cooperation opportunities in Binh Duong
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​PORTAL - On the morning of February 26, a delegation of the Vietnam Business Association in Japan visited, worked and learned about investment opportunities in Binh Duong.

​Receiving and working with the delegation were Ms. Tran Thi Kim Van - President of Binh Duong Union of Friendship Organizations; Ms. Ha Thanh - Director of the Provincial Department of Foreign Affairs and representatives of a number of provincial agencies, committees and branches.

At the meeting, the delegation listened to information summarizing the province's socio-economic development situation and investment attraction over the past time. Accordingly, with an open and attractive investment environment, in recent years, Binh Duong has always been one of the leading provinces and cities nationwide in attracting foreign direct investment with more than 4,000 investment projects, total registered capital of 39.7 billion USD; ranked second in the country in terms of attracting foreign investment capital, after Ho Chi Minh City. In which, Japan ranks second among 65 countries and territories investing in Binh Duong with 341 projects and total investment capital of more than 5 billion USD. In particular, Binh Duong is the first locality in Vietnam to officially become a member of the world's Intelligent Community Forum (ICF). Continuously for 5 years 2019-2023, Binh Duong has been honored by ICF as one of 21 localities with typical smart city development strategies of the world - SMART 21 and honored in TOP7 by ICF as one of 07 communities with a typical Smart Development Strategy in the world for 2 consecutive years 2021 and 2022.


Ms. Ha Thanh - Director of the Department of Foreign Affairs informs the delegation about Binh Duong province's socio-economic development over the past time

Implementing the Project of Binh Duong Smart City and Innovation Region, in the coming time, the province will continue to prioritize investment attraction in high-tech, advanced, environment-friendly, less labor-intensive industries, creating high added value; supporting industries, high-tech agriculture; especially attract investment in the Science and Technology Industrial Park on the basis of industry 4.0 with the goal of becoming the Innovation Center of the Southern Key Economic Region.

Mr. Vu Hoang Duc - Chairman of Vietnam Business Association in Japan speaks at the meeting

Speaking at the meeting, Mr. Vu Hoang Duc - Chairman of the Vietnam Business Association in Japan said that the Vietnam Business Association in Japan was established in 2013, is a voluntary social and professional organization of enterprises whose owners are Vietnamese or native Vietnamese who are operating for a long time and have a good reputation in Japan. Up to now, the association has attracted more than 40 members. Over the years, the Association has always paid attention and has many activities to enhance the Vietnamese and Japanese enterprise brands in the market, contributing to the economic development of Vietnam and Japan. In the coming time, the Association will continue to invite and introduce more Japanese corporations and enterprises to explore opportunities and invest in Binh Duong as well as Binh Duong enterprises to learn about the investment environment in Japan.


Association members discuss issues needing cooperation at the meeting

On this visit and working visit, the delegation members exchanged and learned about the environment and investment attraction policies of Binh Duong today. Thereby, the Association and its delegates wished that Binh Duong would continue to pay attention to support and create all favorable conditions for Japanese enterprises in Binh Duong to operate stably and effectively, contributing to promoting the local socio-economic development quickly and sustainably as well as tightening the friendly cooperation relationship between the two countries Vietnam and Japan.

Ms. Tran Thi Kim Van - President of Binh Duong Union of Friendship Organizations welcomes this visit and work of the Association

Ms. Tran Thi Kim Van - President of Binh Duong Union of Friendship Organizations highly appreciated the visit and work of the Association this time. She added, Binh Duong welcomes domestic and foreign enterprises to invest in Binh Duong in the fields the province is encouraging and prioritizing to attract. At the same time, she hoped that, in the coming time, Vietnamese enterprises in Japan will strengthen cooperation with Binh Duong enterprises in the fields of agricultural product processing, medicine and pharmaceuticals, etc. to contribute to the socio-economic development of Vietnam, Japan in general, and Binh Duong province in particular.

Delegates take a souvenir photo

Reported by Mai Xuan- Translated by Thanh Tam​​

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