Thứ 3, Ngày 24/05/2022, 10:00
Continuing to deploy vaccinations under the direction of the Central Government
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​PORTAL - On the morning of May 23, at the Administrative Center of Binh Duong province, Mr. Nguyen Loc Ha - Member of Provincial Standing Party Committee, Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee (PPC) chaired an online meeting between the Provincial Steering Committee for Covid-19 Prevention and Control and 9 districts, towns and cities.

​According to the report, in the past 07 days (from May 16 to May 22, 2022), the whole province recorded 92 cases of Covid-19, down 39.5% compared to the previous week (last week announced 152 cases); 184 cases were cured, discharged from the hospital, completed F0 treatment, down 12.4% compared to the previous week (last week there were 210 discharged cases).

In the past 30 days, the number of new cases was announced 627 cases, down 96.8% compared to the previous month. The number of patients cured, discharged from hospital and completed F0 treatment was 2,526 cases, down 94.9% compared to the previous month. The whole province had 91/91 communes and wards at level 1.

According to data on the Covid-19 Immunization Management System, by May 22, 2022, Binh Duong had administered 6,623,698 doses of vaccine (including 2,924,209 1st doses; 2,351,440 2nd doses; 1,318,728 3rd doses and 29,321 4th doses).


Overview of the meeting

In the coming time, the province will continue to administer the Covid-19 vaccine to children aged 5-11 and the 4th dose. Simultaneously implementing the remaining vaccination for 1st dose, 2nd dose, completing 3rd dose (1st booster) and 4th dose (2nd booster) of Covid-19 vaccine for workers who are working in industrial parks in the area. Continuing to "clean" Covid-19 vaccination data and deploying to sign for "Vaccine Passport" confirmation.

In addition to the Covid-19 prevention and control, in order to avoid the situation of overlapping epidemic, the Department of Health has advised the PPC to issue a Campaign plan on eradication of larvae, general environmental sanitation and communication on prevention and control of dengue, hand, foot and mouth disease in the province in 2022.


Vice Chairman of the PPC Nguyen Loc Ha speaks to direct the meeting

Concluding the meeting, Mr. Nguyen Loc Ha assessed that the pandemic situation in the province was basically well controlled. In the coming time, the province will continue to implement vaccination under the direction of the Central Government. He noted, the Health branch and localities should focus on completely injecting the allotted number of vaccines, not allowing vaccines to be out of date and expired; have plans and solutions to propagandize workers to get vaccination. The Industrial Zones Authority and the Industry and Trade branch coordinate with localities to review the composition and age vaccinated. From there, determining the number and need for injection of 4th dose and developing a plan to vaccinate the doses for remaining people and 4th dose.

The Vice Chairman of the PPC asked the Education branch and localities to review the number of students who dropped out of school after the Covid-19 pandemic and school-age children who could not go to school, and promptly implement support policies for children to return to school. The Branch of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs reviews all Covid-19 support policies for workers, families under preferential treatment policy and other subjects of the locality and the Central Government, and quickly reports to the PPC. Related branches continue to clean the data of vaccination doses; calculate and rearrange medical stations and treatment facilities to suit the situation, focusing on prevention and control of dengue, hand, foot and mouth disease.

​Reported by Yen Nhi- Translated by Thanh Tam

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