Thứ 3, Ngày 17/08/2021, 16:00
Covid-19 prevention and control in the new situation in localities in the "green zone"
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​PORTAL - The Provincial Steering Committee for Covid-19 Prevention and Control directs the implementation of Covid-19 prevention and control in the new situation in localities in the "green zone".

Accordingly, in order to effectively, synchronously and consistently implement measures for Covid-19 prevention and control in the new situation, the district and commune Steering Committees for Covid-19 prevention and control are required, based on the guidance at Decision no. 2686/QD-BCDQG dated May 31, 2021 of the National Steering Committee on Covid-19 prevention and control to determine and assess the level of risk (green zone, yellow zone, red zone) to quarters, hamlets, lanes, alleys and take corresponding administrative measures in the Covid-19 prevention and control in the area under their management.

Localities actively prepare plans to deal with the pandemic situation and apply measures to prevent and control the pandemic at a "higher level" and must not be "slower" in handling the situation; when loosening the implementation of social distancing, it is necessary to be cautious, strict, step-by-step and synchronized, ensuring safety; regularly analyze, evaluate and update the situation, not to be negligent, subjective, or let off guard; production and business must ensure safety for pandemic prevention and control in accordance with the regulations of the Ministry of Health and guidance on the implementation of the 03 Green model "Green Factory, Green Boarding house and Green Worker" in the "green zone" in the province to promote and ensure safety in production and business activities; if safety is not ensured, production and business activities must be temporarily suspended, focusing on pandemic prevention and control.

The head of the Steering Committee for Covid-19 Prevention and Control at the district level is responsible for evaluating, analyzing and assessing the situation and directing the implementation of loosening social distancing within the "green zone" of each commune-level unit in the district; at the same time, must identify the people and workers in the "green zone"; assigns commune-level authorities to strictly manage to ensure safe production and business in the "green zone". Continuing to quarantine district from district, commune from commune, quarantining and strictly locking down places with "red location" in "yellow zone" and "green zone".

The district-level Steering Committee for Covid-19 Prevention and Control considers, decides and regularly updates, weekly announces, publicizes and widely informs to all classes of people about the administrative units of communes, quarters/hamlets in "red zone", "yellow zone", "green zone"; estimates the time to turn the "yellow zone, red zone" into "green zone" according to Plan no. 146/KH-BCD to create atmosphere and confidence among all classes of people about the effectiveness of the Covid-19 prevention and control in the province.  

In 04 Northern localities (Phu Giao, Dau Tieng, Bau Bang and Bac Tan Uyen districts), continuing to implement social distancing according to Directive no. 16/CT-TTg dated March 31, 2020 of the Prime Minister until the end of August 22, 2021.

During the period from now to August 22, 2021, localities must proactively inform, guide and support enterprises and business households to prepare carefully, fully, ensure safety measures as prescribed in pandemic prevention and control and be ready to meet the conditions before reopening from August 23, 2021. Specifically, reopening for business households of essential goods in the area; implementing the Plan to reorganize the production of enterprises in the new situation according to the guidance of the province in order to both ensure safe production and avoid cross-contamination from the community into the enterprise and vice versa; carrying out screening tests (PCR of pooled samples) before workers enter the factory; granting travel permits for workers and employees moving from their places of residence to work and promoting screening tests in areas within the "green zone"; continuing to implement public investment works and projects but must ensure safety according to regulations on pandemic prevention and control in "green zones" in the locality.

As for the "yellow" and "red" locations and areas in the "green zone", strictly implementing measures to "green" the risk area; In which, paying special attention to screening and testing, which must be fast and return test results in a timely manner, in the fastest time.

Ensuring timely and adequate supply of the most essential food and foodstuffs for disadvantaged people, not letting anyone lack food or clothing; meeting the needs of medical care, health, "out-of-hospital emergency care" for the people when necessary, and ensuring security, safety and social order in the locality.

In addition, immediately implementing the 3-green Model "Green Factory, Green Boarding house and Green Worker" in the "green zone" on the same district-level area in order to restore and develop the local economy and society.

Along with that, further promoting communication, actively propagating and mobilizing the masses of the people to join hands in greening the "yellow and red" zones, protecting and expanding the "green zone" on the Covid-19 map; thereby contributing to consolidating and increasing the belief of victory, gradually repelling the pandemic, actively responding to and participating in pandemic prevention and control for our own health and for the community; at the same time, implementing commendation and discipline in a timely and strict manner.

Reported by Doan Trang - Translated by Nguyen Trang

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