Thứ 6, Ngày 14/06/2024, 11:00
Strengthening inspection and guidance on fire prevention and fighting safety and rescue
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​PORTAL - The Provincial People's Committee (PPC) directs to continue to organize the implementation of Directive No. 01/CT-TTg of the Prime Minister on strengthening fire prevention and fighting (FPF) and rescue in the new situation.

Accordingly, departments, committees, branches, mass organizations, and People's Committees of districts and cities, according to their assigned functions and tasks, focus on reviewing and seriously and drastically implementing the assigned contents, ensuring the assigned roadmap and targets.

The Department of Construction strengthens the management of construction planning, urban planning, and construction order, especially the management of the construction of individual houses with many apartments and many floors; strengthens inspection, and examination, and strictly handles violations related to the construction field, especially projects under construction according to authority, absolutely not allowing illegal or unauthorized construction to arise and determining not to accept completed construction and put into use projects that do not ensure FPF and rescue conditions according to regulations.

The Department of Industry and Trade continues coordinating with local People's Committees to review chemical business and storage facilities with high risk of fire and explosion in residential areas and crowded places to have relocation plans and ensure FPF conditions.

The Department of Education and Training continues to guide and equip pupils and students with knowledge and skills on FPF in educational establishments in the province.

The Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism promotes inspection and examination of karaoke and discotheque service business activities according to its authority. It implements, suspends, and revokes licenses to qualify for karaoke and discotheque service business according to regulations.

The Department of Planning and Investment coordinates with the Provincial Police and relevant units and localities to effectively implement the FPF Infrastructure Planning for the 2021 – 2030 period, with a vision to 2050, ensuring compliance with local reality and consistency and synchronization with the province's economic and social development plan.

The Provincial Industrial Park Management Board guides and urges industrial park investors and production facilities in industrial parks to strictly comply with the provisions of the law on FPF and rescue; consolidate and strengthen specialized fire FPF forces; carry out design approval and acceptance of FPF for industrial park infrastructure to ensure compliance with regulations.

People's Committees of districts and cities, based on their functions and tasks, improve the management of construction planning, urban planning, and construction order; direct effective solutions to water sources serving firefighting and rescue work in the locality; continue to review and build models of "FPF Joint Family Group", "Public Fire Fighting Point" to ensure coverage of the area and build and replicate effective FPF models in the locality, etc.

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