Thứ 7, Ngày 25/05/2024, 16:00
Investment attraction in Binh Duong's industry parks continues to increase
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PORTAL – On the afternoon of May 24th, at the Administrative Center of Binh Duong province, Mr. Vo Van Minh – Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee (PPC) chaired a meeting to listen to reports on the attraction of foreign investment in industrial parks in the province.

​Attending were leaders of provincial departments, branches, and industrial park (IP) infrastructure investors.

The panorama of the meeting

According to the report, in the first 5 months of 2024, in the context that the economic situation continues to face many difficulties, but with the drastic attention and direction of provincial leaders and the efforts of the Management Board of Binh Duong's IP and the proactive and active coordination of IP infrastructure investors, the situation of attracting investment in industrial zones in the province achieved positive results.

With uniformly technical infrastructure, IPs are the key investment attraction of the province

Domestic investment attracted 1,058 billion VND, reaching 96.25% of the 2024 plan. Foreign investment attracted 525 million USD, up 75% over the same period, gaining 43.75% of the plan in 2024; of which 58 new projects with a total registered investment capital of more than 270.1 million USD; 210 adjusted projects to increase capital of more than 254.2 million USD.

Up to now, IPs in the province attracted 3,135 projects, including 2,453 foreign-invested projects with a total registered capital of 29,7 billion USD and 682 domestic-invested projects with nearly 95,000 billion VND in total registered capital.

\The leader of Hung Thinh Trading – Production – Construction Joint Stock Company – the investor of Dong An IP spoke at the meeting

The leader of Viet Nam – Singapore IP Joint Venture Company Limited spoke at the meeting

At the meeting, IP infrastructure investors presented many problems related to regulations on procedures for issuing investment licenses, environmental permits, investment expansion, planning; acceptance of fire prevention and fighting. In addition, investors also propose investment in transport infrastructure connecting the region; ensuring the supply of electricity for production; meeting the installation of solar power systems…

​​Mr. Vo Van Minh – Chairman of the PPC concluded the meeting

At the conclusion, Mr. Vo Van Minh – Chairman of the PPC asked the Provincial Management Board of IPs to continue to closely coordinate with IP infrastructure investors to solve problems related to investment procedures, licensing quickly, etc. that the investors proposed at the meeting.

The chairman of the PPC said that in 2024, the province will continue to start construction of Ring Road 4, Ho Chi Minh City – Thu Dau Mot – Chon Thanh Expressway. In parallel, completing a series of district-level trunk roads, connecting inter-region and intra-region to facilitate the trade of goods to airports and seaports. The province will review and have solutions to improve the PCI index, and further promote administrative procedure reform to create the most favorable conditions for businesses and investors. Provincial leaders are willing to work with infrastructure investors to organize investment promotion activities to call for more investment projects in IPs. 

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