Thứ 2, Ngày 15/04/2024, 09:00
Sunwah Group hopes to invest in more projects in Binh Duong
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PORTAL – On the afternoon of April 14, at the Binh Duong Provincial Administrative Center, Mr. Nguyen Van Loi - Member of the Party Central Committee, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Head of the Provincial National Assembly Delegation welcomed the delegation of Sunwah Group, led by Mr. Johnathan Choi – Chairman of Sunwah Group, visiting the Provincial Leaders on the occasion of Horasis China Meeting 2024 in Binh Duong.

​Mr. Nguyen Van Danh – Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee (PPC) and leaders of departments and branches also attended the reception.

Expressing his pleasure to visit Binh Duong and meet the provincial leaders on the occasion of organizing the Horasis China Meeting 2024, which is a great influent event, Mr. Johnathan Choi wished the event to be a great success. At the same time, he hoped that Sunwah Group would have an extensive cooperation relationship with Becamex IDC Corp. to implement more practical projects; invest in modern infrastructure in Binh Duong; and support the province in implementing the modernization and building of smart cities in the coming time.


Overview of the reception.

Provincial Party Secretary Nguyen Van Loi affirmed that Binh Duong province highly appreciated the positive contributions of investors and businesses, including Sunwah Group, to the local socio-economic development in recent times.

The Group has more than 50 years of experience operating in Viet Nam. As the Group was attending the event in Binh Duong province this time, the Provincial Party Secretary hoped that Mr. Johnathan Choi would witness the development achievements of Binh Duong province. At the same time, he believed that the Group would continue to explore investment cooperation opportunities locally, especially in the strong area of the Group.

The Binh Duong provincial government is committed to accompanying, supporting, and creating favorable conditions for Sunwah Group to produce and do business locally, implementing large projects effectively and with quality.

The Secretary hoped that Becamex IDC Corp. and Sunwah Group would continue to cooperate for strong, effective, and practical development in the future.


Mr. Nguyen Van Loi - Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee presents a souvenir to Mr. Johnathan Choi - Chairman of Sunwah Group.

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