Thứ 3, Ngày 09/04/2024, 15:00
Examining protection of the environment in Binh Duong area
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​PORTAL – On the morning of April 8th, the Provincial Leadership Delegation led by Mr. Nguyen Van Loi – Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee as a leader examined the protection of the environment in the province.

The delegation also included Mr. Nguyen Van Loc – Chairman of the Provincial People's Council, Mr. Mai Hung Dung – Standing Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee, and leaders of departments and branches.

According to a report by the Center of Natural Resources and Environment Technical – Monitoring, currently, there is an automatic air monitoring station in the province invested by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment. The Department of Natural Resources and Environment (DONRE) is implementing an investment project for an automatic air monitoring station, which is expected to be implemented in 2025. From 2026 to 2030, there will be 06 monitoring stations invested, so that the network of automatic air monitoring stations in the province will be completed. In 2030, Binh Duong will have 17 automatic air monitoring stations, and they will be spread evenly in cities, districts, and communes.

The results of monitoring the quality of Thi Tinh River's surface water and streams draining into Thi Tinh River in 2023 and the first quarter of 2024 showed that most monitoring parameters met the allowed standards. Photo: treated wastewater from an industrial park in Ben Cat Town was released into Thi Tinh River

The automatic surface water monitoring stations include 01 national station and 03 stations in the district. The province is going to invest 02 more automatic surface water stations in the 2021-2025 term, and 01 automatic monitoring station in 2030.

Automatic underground water monitoring has 08 well clusters (23 constructions). In 2025, the province will continue to invest in additional equipment for 08 well clusters (21 constructions), and the total number of automatic underground water monitoring constructions according to the province's planning network will increase to 44 constructions.

The Provincial Leadership Delegation examined the protection of the water environment of Sai Gon and Thi Tinh Rivers

The delegates visited the automatic monitoring system in the Center of Natural Resources and Environment Technical – Monitoring

DONRE supervises 110 automatic wastewater monitoring stations, 09 automatic emissions monitoring stations, and 350 cameras installed by businesses. The central operating station supervises and manages data of more than 340 automatic monitoring stations on wastewater, emissions, surface water, underground water, and hydrology.

The results of monitoring the water quality of Thi Tinh River's surface water and streams draining into Thi Tinh River in 2023 and the first quarter of 2024 showed that most monitoring parameters met the allowed standards.

The Provincial Leadership Delegation worked with the Center of Natural Resources and Environment Technical – Monitoring

At the meeting, the monitoring center proposed solutions to improve the water quality of Thi Tinh River including accelerating implementation progress, soon putting the urban wastewater treatment factory in the Ben Cat Town into operation and strengthening inspection and supervision of compliance with legal regulations on environmental protection. In addition, the automatic surface water monitoring stations in Thi Tinh River should be installed more to monitor the river's quality punctually and constantly, etc.

According to examinations in Sai Gon River, Thi Tinh River, raw water pumping station, Thu Dau Mot water factory (Chanh My Ward, Thu Dau Mot City) and working with departments and branches, Mr. Nguyen Van Loi – Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee appreciated supervision work of the environment in the province.

The Secretary required DONRE to evaluate and advise the province on careers that can cause environmental pollution but not attract investment. Besides, the Department was also required to install more automatic surface water monitoring stations in Thi Tinh River to serve better management work of the river's surface water quality.

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