Thứ 3, Ngày 02/04/2024, 14:00
Binh Duong: Thoughtfully arrange the 2024 Horasis China Meeting
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PORTAL – On the afternoon of April 1, at the Binh Duong Provincial Administrative Center, Mr. Vo Van Minh – Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee (PPC) and Mr. Mai Hung Dung – Standing Vice Chairman of the PPC chaired the meeting to listen to the report on coordination and implementation of the Plan organize the 2024 Horasis China Meeting. 

According to the plan, the 2024 Horasis China Meeting will take place from April 14 to April 16, 2024, at the Binh Duong Convention and Exhibition Center. There will be about 300 most senior guests of the Horasis community and 400 guests from the central-level agencies, localities, departments, and branches in Binh Duong.

The Meeting will be organized in the form of a world economic forum with 06 plenaries and 21 dialogue sessions.

The Opening ceremony will take place on the morning of April 15, 2024. Expectedly, Binh Duong will have 02 special dialogue sessions at the Meeting, i.e., "Binh Duong – Investment environment towards sustainability" and "Binh Duong – Developing e-commerce towards the global supply chain".


Ms. Ha Thanh – Director of the Foreign Affairs Department reports at the meeting.

The Meeting aims to create favorable opportunities for leaders and business communities in Binh Duong to exchange and connect with senior leaders, especially those who are founders, presidents, and CEOs of top companies in Asia and China. Those opportunities would help them find new chances and partners to develop management skills, science and technology level, promote trade and investment attraction, and expand cooperation among Viet Nam, Asia, and the world. This would be an important foundation, contributing to the socio-economic breakthrough program and development of the Binh Duong Smart City Project.


The leader of the Becamex IDC Corp. reports on the preparation of the Meeting.


The representative of the Provincial Public Security reports on the work to ensure security and order.

According to the report of the Foreign Affairs Department and relevant units, the preparation for the Meeting is being carried out seriously and urgently. Each step is implemented synchronously, with close coordination between departments and branches in the province, aiming to show off the image of a friendly, hospitable, integrated, secure, and safe Binh Duong. The work of issuing invitations, welcoming delegations and guests; and preparing scripts and timelines for the Opening Ceremony, plenary, and dialogue sessions are being developed carefully.


The Chairman of the PPC Vo Van Minh concludes the meeting.

Speaking at the meeting, the Chairman of the PPC Vo Van Minh affirmed that the 2024 Horasis China Meeting set higher requirements for the quality of guests and discussion topics to improve the effectiveness of promotion and investment attraction of the province. He directed and thoroughly assigned tasks to departments and branches to carefully welcome delegates who are leaders of the Party, State, Government, ministries, localities, and businesses. He also noted adding participants who are scientists, economic experts, and university students to the sessions, and at the same time, organizing activities such as awarding investment licenses, press conferences, vivid visual propaganda, etc.​

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