Thứ 6, Ngày 12/01/2024, 10:00
Binh Duong Province and Daejeon Metropolitan City (South Korea): Sign a cooperation agreement to support people with disabilities
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​PORTAL – On the afternoon of January 11, at the Administrative Center of Binh Duong Province, Mr. Nguyen Loc Ha - Member of the Provincial Party Standing Committee, Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee (PPC) received and worked with Mr. Jeong Yun Ho – President of the Daejeon Association of Disabled Persons Information (South Korea).

At the meeting, Mr. Jeong Yun Ho – President of the Daejeon Association of Disabled Persons Information (South Korea) thanked Binh Duong Provincia​l leaders for receiving the delegation. He highly appreciated the Provincial caring and supportive work for people with disabilities. He hoped that with the signing of the Meeting Minutes between Binh Duong Protect and Social Work Center and Daejeon Association of Disabled Persons Information, the two Parties could exchange and learn from each other's experiences, improving the effectiveness of their caring and supportive work for people with disabilities. Thereby, giving people with disabilities opportunities to study, find stable jobs, improve their lives, and integrate into the community.


Overview of the meeting

Mr. Nguyen Loc Ha thanked Mr. Jeong Yun Ho and Daejeon Association of Disabled Persons Information for their meaningful and practical activities supporting the disabled and vulnerable groups in Binh Duong province. The PPC will direct the branches to monitor the effective implementation of the activities in the Meeting Minutes. The Vice Chairman of the PPC also hoped that in the coming time, the province would receive more support from the Daejeon Association of Disabled Persons Information in different fields.


Mr. Nguyen Loc Ha - Vice Chairman of the PPC presents a souvenir to Mr. Jeong Yun Ho – President of the Daejeon Association of Disabled Persons Information

At the meeting, Binh Duong Protect and Social Work Center and Daejeon Association of Disabled Persons Information signed Meeting Minutes. According to the Meeting Minutes, the two Parties agreed to cooperate in fields consistent with the functions, tasks, and capabilities of both parties such as basic computer skills training (computer use, Excel, Word, PowerPoint, etc.), basic digital IT education (coding, smart device use, etc.) and other supporting activities for the vulnerable groups.


Binh Duong Protect and Social Work Center and Daejeon Association of Disabled Persons Information sign the Meeting Minutes

The Binh Duong Protect and Social Work Center has the responsibility of providing free working space for computer education and necessary administrative procedures, discussing, and cooperating with the Daejeon Association of Disabled Persons Information to develop a specific cooperation plan.

The Daejeon Association of Disabled Persons Information shall provide computers, tablet PCs, and the costs necessary for operation. At the same time, it would comply with Vietnamese laws when conducting cooperation and activities in Binh Duong Province and proactively exchange information about arising problems (if any) to work out with Binh Duong Province to propose a solution.

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