Thứ 4, Ngày 17/05/2023, 16:00
Binh Duong: Deploying 14/16 key tasks of the Plan for environmental protection and response to climate change
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​PORTAL - On the afternoon of May 16, at the Administration Center of Binh Duong Province, Mr. Mai Hung Dung - Member of Provincial Standing Party Committee, Permanent Vice Chairman of Provincial People's Committee (PPC) chaired the meeting to approve the draft Plan for environmental protection and response to climate change in Binh Duong province for the 2021-2025 period (adjusted) and report on the implementation results in 2022.

​The Plan for environmental protection and response to climate change in Binh Duong province for the 2021-2025 period (hereinafter referred to as the Plan) is concretized into 27 priority investment projects and 16 key tasks, in order to focus on protecting the environment in the direction of sustainable development, building a synchronous and modern technical infrastructure system, improving people's living quality, creating a driving force to promote environmentally friendly economic restructuring. Mobilizing investment resources for environmental protection in various appropriate forms to build civilized and modern infrastructure, upgrade, renovate and embellish urban areas in association with building a smart city. Total investment capital for implementing projects and programs is about 26,005,752 billion VND.


Overview of the meeting

By 2022, there are 19 out of 27 projects prioritized for investment all having project approval decisions or investment policies, many items in each project have been completed or are under construction, the total investment capital has been disbursed for projects over 2,180,863 billion VND (compared to the 5-year plan of 25,903,897 billion VND, reaching 8.42%); 14/16 key tasks have also been implemented, of which 02 tasks have been completed, serving as the basis for the next steps in the coming time, 11/16 tasks are being implemented, the remaining 03 tasks have not been implemented due to the review that need to be adjusted accordingly, the total budget for the implementation of tasks by 2022 is over 3,746 billion VND (compared to the 5-year plan of 101,855 billion VND, reaching 3.7%).

The meeting also approved the draft Plan for environmental protection and response to climate change in Binh Duong province for the 2021-2025 period (adjusted). The reason for the adjustment is that the Central Government has issued new projects and plans, so it is necessary to adjust and update the Provincial Plan accordingly.

Accordingly, the draft adjusted Plan adds 16 more targets, bringing the total number of implementation targets to 24; implementing 41 investment priority projects (increasing 14 projects); performs 21 key tasks (increasing 5 tasks); estimated cost is about 38,903 billion VND (increasing 12,898 billion VND).


Permanent Vice Chairman of the PPC Mai Hung Dung concludes the meeting

After listening to the delegates' specific comments for each target, project and task of the draft Plan, Permanent Vice Chairman of the PPC Mai Hung Dung asked the relevant departments and branches to review specific contents to suit the actual situation of the province. The Department of Natural Resources and Environment receives the comments of the delegates, quickly completes the draft Plan to submit to the PPC for promulgation.​

​Reported by Yen Nhi- Translated by Thanh Tam​

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