Thứ 4, Ngày 17/05/2023, 16:00
Provincial leaders receive Management Board of Cuba’s Mariel Special Development Zone
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​PORTAL - On the afternoon of May 16, at the Administration Center of Binh Duong Province, Mr. Mai Hung Dung - Member of the Provincial Standing Party Committee, Permanent Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee (PPC) received the delegation of the Management Board of Cuba's Mariel Special Development Zone led by Ms. Yanet Vázquez Valdés – Deputy Director of Mariel Special Development Zone to introduce information about the Mariel Special Development Zone and explore investment opportunities.

​At the meeting, Permanent Vice Chairman of the PPC Mai Hung Dung gave an overview of the Binh Duong's socio-economic development. Over the years, Binh Duong province has always been evaluated as one of the leading localities in the country in terms of socio-economic development and the speed of attracting foreign direct investment (FDI). In 2022, the province's socio-economic situation continued to prosper and achieved many positive and comprehensive results in all fields. In addition, the province always strives to improve the investment environment, reform administrative procedures and enhance competitiveness.

Particularly in the first 4 months of 2023, the province has attracted more than 891 million USD in FDI. Accumulated to April 30, 2023, the province has 4,101 investment projects from 65 countries and territories with a total registered capital of 40 billion USD.


Permanent Vice Chairman of the PPC Mai Hung Dung receives Ms. Yanet Vázquez Valdés - Deputy Director of Mariel Special Development Zone

Permanent Vice Chairman of the PPC Mai Hung Dung said that in September 2022, the delegation of Binh Duong provincial leaders, enterprise delegation, investment and trade promotion specialists had a business trip to Cuba, visited the Mariel Special Development Zone and worked with with Artemisa province. In April 2023, within the framework of the official visit and working of the Chairman of the Vietnamese National Assembly in Cuba, Binh Duong province and Artemisa province (Cuba) signed a Letter of Intent on establishing cooperative relations between the two sides and awarded Artemisa province 50 tons of rice.

In the coming time, Binh Duong will establish a working group to connect the two provinces more deeply and comprehensively; at the same time, promote the organization of online seminars for enterprises of the two countries to explore mutual investment opportunities as well as facilitate and spread more information about Mariel Special Economic Development Zone for enterprises to learn about investment opportunities here.

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Permanent Vice Chairman of the PPC Mai Hung Dung presents a souvenir to Ms. Yanet Vázquez Valdés - Deputy Director of Mariel Special Economic Development Zone

Ms. Yanet Vázquez Valdés expressed her impression of Binh Duong's achievements and development orientation.

Artemisa is the largest province and a municipality of the former Habana province, she said. Artemisa plays the role of a key trading and processing center of the region, specializing in the production and export of sugarcane, tobacco, pineapple, fruits, wine, soap, etc. Artemisa is located on the main highway and main railway line between Havana and Pinar del Río. This is also the area where Thai Binh Company of Vietnam is investing and operating. Mariel Special Economic Development Zone, Artemisa province is the first special zone of its kind in Cuba and enjoys a prime geographical position, in the heart of the Caribbean Sea, at the crossroads of the main maritime trade routes in the Western Hemisphere.

On April 21, 2023, at Mariel Special Economic Development Zone, Artemisa province, the Chairman of the Vietnamese National Assembly Vuong Dinh Hue and President of the National Assembly of People's Power of Cuba Esteban Lazo Hernández attended and cut the ribbon to inaugurate Suchel TBV S.A. Laundry Detergent Factory and Solar Power Plant of Thai Binh Investment Joint Stock Company; and attended the groundbreaking ceremony of phase II, Vimariel Industrial Park of Viglacera Corporation, visited the Cuban Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (CIGB).

Ms. Yanet Vázquez Valdés shared, in the future, Mariel Special Economic Development Zone will gather overall local resources for development; invest in modern and impressive infrastructure in industrial parks to attract foreign investment. In addition, it also focuses on developing clean and green energy to help reduce waste and protect the environment. She hoped that there will be many opportunities to exchange information, introduce and promote the characteristics and investment potential of Mariel Special Economic Development Zone, Artemisa province to the enterprise community and associations in Vietnam.

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Delegates take a souvenir photo​

Reported by Doan Trang- Translated by Thanh Tam

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