Thứ 6, Ngày 10/03/2023, 09:00
Binh Duong: Summarizing the Project on rearranging and organizing the apparatus to be lean, efficient and effective
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​PORTAL - On the morning of March 09, at the Administration Center of Binh Duong province, the Provincial Party Committee held a conference to review the Project on rearranging and organizing the Binh Duong province's political system to be lean, efficient and effective.

​Attending were Mr. Nguyen Van Loi - Member of the Party Central Committee, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Head of the Provincial Delegation of the National Assembly Deputies; Mr. Nguyen Hoang Thao - Permanent Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee; Mr. Vo Van Minh - Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee (PPC) and leaders of departments, committees, branches and localities in the province.

Reporting at the conference, Head of Organization Committee of Provincial Party Committee Nguyen Minh Thuy said that implementing the Project 711-QD/TU dated May 11, 2018 of the Provincial Standing Party Committee on the rearranging and organizing the Binh Duong province's political system to be lean, efficient and effective according to Resolution No. 18-NQ/TW of the Party Central Committee (hereinafter referred to as Project 711), with high political determination, Binh Duong basically implemented the goal of streamlining the organizational apparatus, streamlining the payrolls, reducing the level of intermediaries, the number of leaders and internal focal points; piloted a number of models on organizational structure and concurrently holding a number of titles at all levels and downsizing at least 10% of the payroll for the 2015 – 2020 period.


Head of Organization Committee of Provincial Party Committee Nguyen Minh Thuy reports at the conference

The province has merged the Party Committee of the Provincial Agencies' Group and the Party Committee of the State-owned Enterprises' Group according to the Politburo's Conclusion No. 34-KL/TW dated August 07, 2018 and officially came into operation from July 01, 2019. The Party Committee of the Provincial Agencies' Group and the State-owned Enterprises' Group currently has 139 grassroots Party organizations (68 grassroots party committees, 71 grassroots cell branches), with a total of 8,217 party members.

Party congresses at all levels in the province for the 2020-2025 tenure have reduced the number of members at provincial and district levels by about 5%. Reducing 01 Vice Chairman of the People's Council at district level.

Up to now, Binh Duong has reduced 04 provincial agencies and units; advising and assisting agencies of the Provincial Party Committee, Fatherland Front, mass organizations, departments and branches at provincial level reduced from 1-2 divisions. Specifically: Provincial Party's Group reduced 08 divisions; the Fatherland Front and provincial mass organizations reduced 10 divisions and committees; Provincial Party Committee of Agencies and Enterprises' Group reduced 06 divisions and committees; non-business units under the Provincial Party Committee reduced 06 divisions and faculties; Provincial State administration's Group reduced 36 divisions.


Organizing and rearranging the organizational apparatus of Binh Duong province's political system to be lean, efficient and effective has achieved many outstanding results. Photo: An officer of Thu Dau Mot Public Administration Service Center instructs people to carry out administrative procedures

Performing concurrently with the titles, Binh Duong has implemented the Head of Commission for Mass Mobilization cum the Chairman of the Provincial Committee of the Vietnam Fatherland Front. At the district level, implementing the Head of the Organization Department cum Head of the Division of Home Affairs at 02/09 localities; Chairman of the Inspection Committee cum Chief Inspector of district level at 06/09 localities; Head of the Mass Mobilization Committee cum the Chairman of the Vietnam Fatherland Front Committee at district level at 09 localities. Completing the implementation of Head of Propaganda and Training Commission cum Director of Political Center at district level.

The number of cadres, civil servants and non-specialized employees at commune level has decreased by more than 20%. Secretary of the Party Committee cum Chairman of the People's Council at commune level has 49/91 units; Secretary of the Party Committee cum Chairman of the People's Committee at commune level has 15/91 units; Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee cum Chairman of the Fatherland Front Committee at commune level has 34/91 units; Vice Chairman of the People's Council cum Chairman of the Party Committee's Inspection Committee at commune level has 08/91 units implementing. In hamlets and quarters, there are 3-4 non-specialized employees.

Regarding downsizing, from 2017 to 2022, the Party, the Fatherland Front Committee, and mass organizations group reduced their payrolls by 342, a rate of 27.14% (meeting the requirements of Project 711). The State Administration group reduced its staff by 822, a rate of 31.06% (7.87% higher than the Project proposed). The number of cadres, civil servants and non-specialized employees at commune level decreased by 971 people, a rate of 25.5%. The number of non-specialized employees in hamlets and quarters decreased by 1,902 people, a rate of 55.54%. Non-business payrolls (including education and training, excluding contracts according to Decree No. 68/2000/ND-CP) decreased by 2,272 (rate of 8,97%).

However, according to the assessment at the conference, the implementation of Project 711 still has shortcomings and limitations: Regulations on the number, regimes and policies for non-specialized employees at commune, ward or hamlet level are not suitable with the population size, workload and task requirements; the implementation of non-specialized job is still confusing, limited, inadequate; the power control mechanism of non-specialized cadres is not complete and synchronous, the effectiveness and efficiency is not high; the organizational structure and payroll of the political system's organizations are mainly mechanically reduced, etc.

Mr. Dang Van Long - Secretary of the Party cell of Quarter 11, Phu Cuong Ward, Thu Dau Mot City shares at the conference

In the coming time, the Provincial Standing Party Committee will continue to lead and direct the implementation of the Party's guidelines and regulations and the State's laws on the management and use of local payrolls, ensuring strict and effective results, according to regulations. Arranging payroll in accordance with urban and rural government models on the basis of population and job level, not evenly distributed in localities; maximizing the investment of resources, developing appropriate regimes and policies to improve the operation of agencies and organizations in the political system, especially the grassroots political system.

Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee Nguyen Van Loi speaks at the conference

Speaking at the conference, Mr. Nguyen Van Loi emphasized that the arrangement and renovation of the province's political apparatus must ensure the principle of compliance with the regulations of the Central Government, the unified and comprehensive leadership of the Provincial Party Committee and ensure the operational quality of the political system, without increasing the number of payrolls.

In the coming time, he asked all levels of Party committees to continue to innovate leadership methods; the formulation of resolutions on organizational structure and policies for the political system must be concise, focused, and clear resources for implementation and approved by the Provincial People's Council at the mid-2023 meeting. Authorities at all levels continue to promote administrative procedure reform and digital transformation. Developing policies to allocate resources, having plans to reduce the number of public non-business units. Promoting socialization, especially education, health care, culture, physical training and sports, parks, trees, etc. Researching to raise operating costs and increase investment in equipment for communes and wards.

Reported by Phuong Chi- Translated by Thanh Tam​​

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