Thứ 5, Ngày 16/02/2023, 08:00
Vice Chairman of Provincial People's Committee Nguyen Van Danh receives Consul General of Italy
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​PORTAL - On the morning of February 15, at the Administration Center of Binh Duong Province, Mr. Nguyen Van Danh - Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee (PPC) received Mr. Enrico Padula - Consul General of Italy in Ho Chi Minh City to pay a courtesy visit.

At the meeting, Vice Chairman of the PPC Nguyen Van Danh informed the outstanding achievements in socio-economic development and investment attraction of Binh Duong.

Up to now, the province has 4,088 investment projects from 65 countries and territories with a total registered capital of more than 39.7 billion USD; in which there are 08 investment projects from Italian enterprises with a total capital of nearly 64 million USD, operating mainly in the field of manufacturing products related to shoes, bags and fashion accessories. Enterprises are currently operating very efficiently and fully complying with regulations and laws on investment.

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Vice Chairman of the PPC Nguyen Van Danh receives Mr. Enrico Padula – Consul General of Italy in Ho Chi Minh City

Vice Chairman of the PPC also said that in 2013, Binh Duong province and the Emilia-Romagna regional government (Italy) signed a cooperation agreement to strengthen the friendship relationship, expand economic cooperation and promote trade and investment in the fields of industry, tourism and services; conduct exchange activities and exchange experiences in the fields of science, technology, education and culture. Besides, the Association of Chambers of Commerce of Emilia - Romagna officially opened a representative office in Binh Duong province on September 11, 2015. This is a bridge for investment and trade promotion of Italian enterprises in general and enterprises of Emilia - Romagna investing in Binh Duong in particular.

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Vice Chairman of the PPC Nguyen Van Danh gives souvenirs to the Consul General of Italy in Ho Chi Minh City

Mr. Enrico Padula highly appreciated the dynamic and creative development of Binh Duong province. Through this visit, he wished to learn more about the investment environment of the province to introduce and call for many potential Italian investors to come to Binh Duong to cooperate and expand their scale in the field of scientific research technology and infrastructure development, construction. At the same time, he hoped that the provincial government will continue to accompany, create conditions as well as have better policies to attract and support investment for enterprises.

Delegates take a souvenir photo

Vice Chairman of the PPC Nguyen Van Danh affirmed that, in recent years, the province has always made efforts to improve the investment environment, reform administrative procedures, and enhance competitiveness. In the coming time, Binh Duong orients towards green and sustainable development, thus giving priority to attracting investment in high-tech, environmentally friendly, less labor intensive industries. Provincial leaders hoped that many potential Italian enterprises that match the province's development criteria will come to explore investment opportunities in Binh Duong.

Reported by Doan Trang- Translated by Thanh Tam

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