Thứ 6, Ngày 04/06/2021, 10:00
Implementation plan of Binh Duong Smart City Project in 2021
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​PORTAL - Binh Duong Smart City Executive Board (Smart City) issued the implementation plan of Binh Duong Smart City Project in 2021.

In 2021, Binh Duong will implement 12 key project clusters.

Firstly, complete the construction of the Binh Duong Smart City Project for the 2021 – 2026 period, in which special attention is paid to updating new programs and planning the Binh Duong Innovation Region.

Secondly, continue to develop the Three-House model, considering this as the foundational model in the smart city development process in the new period.

Third, promote administrative reform, increase efficiency and effectiveness, demonstrate transparency and trust, connect and quickly solve socio-economic problems, especially in the period when Binh Duong is transforming to meet and develop rapidly, in harmony with the 4th Industrial Revolution.

Fourthly, focus on developing high-quality human resources, gradually building and connecting components in the innovation and start-up ecosystem, promoting science and technology development, and applying it to practice. This is prerequisite foundation, creating potential for breakthroughs, and is the key to attract investment in the future. The Department of Science and Technology continues to promote the project to support small and medium-sized companies to start creative in Binh Duong until 2025; operate the Center for Community Initiatives and Start-up Support more and more effectively, increasing in quantity and quality; connecting the system of manufacturing laboratories (Fablab) in the province into stable operation, etc.

Fifth, continue to promote the development of waterway and railway logistics infrastructure, and at the same time, quickly introduce solutions to upgrade the road infrastructure system, reduce traffic congestion, strengthen regional linkages, and reduce transportation time and costs, timely welcome the new wave of investment in the near future.

Sixth, drastically deploy the Smart City Operation Center, which can connect all peripheral devices, provide data, handle emergency incidents and centrally operate according to the process of collecting information, processing information, forecasting situations and taking action in the fastest way, contributing to creating a better living and working environment for people, managing more efficient government.

Department of Information and Communications in 2021, complete the procedures to build the headquarter of the Smart City Operation Center Building of the province; complete to implement the equipment investment project for the Smart City Operation Center phase 1; coordinate with the Department of Health to complete the pilot installation of IoT-connected medical devices for out-of-hospital emergency services of the 115 Smart Emergency Operations Center; coordinate with the Department of Transport to complete the development of technical plan and submit investment project for transmission system serving cameras and IoT for smart cities.

Seventh, continue to improve the Geographic Information System (GIS) in Binh Duong province with the goal of building spatial database and application software system to support data mining to serve the state management of construction planning and urban technical infrastructure in the province.

Eighth, communication and positioning Binh Duong brand through Smart City Project and specific projects, thereby promoting investment attraction in the new period. Propaganda activities need to have specific, clear, in-depth messages, suitable for the 4.0 period and the Covid-19 context, timely and advertised on many mass media, reaching the target audience.

Ninth, develop Binh Duong Innovation Region with approved specific strategies, and special focus on Binh Duong Science and Technology Industrial Park project. With the vision of becoming the innovation center of the Southern Key Economic Region, the Science and Technology Industrial Park should be planned as comprehensive ecosystem for technology- and knowledge-intensive activities such as Education and training, research and development, commercialization of technology, advanced production, and friendly living environment.

Tenth, continue to connect internationally, promote trade in the Covid-19 context; organize world-class events, depending on the conditions to organize in an appropriate form in order to promote investment attraction, exchange experience, technology, human resources, etc. and position Binh Duong brand in the international arena.

Eleventh, continue to build and develop Smart Villages - a common trend in the world, in order to raise the rural areas to be not inferior to urban areas in terms of productivity, competitiveness, and social security, etc., use innovative solutions based on local strengths and opportunities; in which the community participates and shares to develop and realize the goal of improving socio-economic and environmental conditions, especially on the basis of digital technology.

Twelfth, continue to register and maintain the title of ICF Smart21 (top 21 areas with typical smart city development strategies), and at the same time, conduct trial registration for the title of Top 7. Assign the Department of Science and Technology to assume the prime responsibility, together with the Investment and Industrial Development Joint Stock Corporation and related departments and branches to closely cooperate with Eindhoven's partner to implement the work with ICF.

Specific goals in 2021, strive to implement at least 3 specific projects, bringing clear and direct effects to people and businesses. Continue to implement foundation projects and develop scheme to implement the next phase, in which the focus is on innovation, industry 4.0, and smart growth.

Continue to complete the cooperation model of Three Houses, consolidate the organization of the Smart City project in the next phase; strengthen tripartite cooperation in all activities and encourage promoting the spirit of proactively proposing new projects and programs. Propagate the plan to build a Smart City in the new period to all social sectors, attract more participation from the community, and promote collective strength.​

Reported by Doan Trang - Translated by Nguyen Trang

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