Thứ 3, Ngày 24/07/2018, 10:00
Saigon Stec (Japan) Company continues to expand investment in Binh Duong
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24/07/2018 | Nguyễn Trang
BEGIC - ​Afternoon of July 23rd, at Administrative Center of Binh Duong province, Mr. Tran Thanh Liem - Vice Chairman of provincial People's Committee welcomes Mr. Fukuda Naoyuki – General Director of Saigon Stec Co., Ltd.

At the meeting, Mr. Fukuda Naoyuki said, Saigon Stec Company under Sharp Takaya Corporation (Japan) was established in 2007, operating in the field of manufacturing electronic components, camera module and high technology application. In Binh Duong, in 2015, Sai Gon Stec officially commenced phase 4 of plant construction in Vietnam - Singapore Industrial Park II. Mr. Fukuda Naoyuki - General Director appreciated the cooperation and support from Binh Duong province, which create conditions for Saigon Stec to develop and expand. It is expected that, in the coming time, Sai Gon Stec will build a new factory in Binh Duong specializing in high-tech applications in manufacturing household appliances.

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Mr. Tran Thanh Liem - Vice Chairman of provincial People's Committee presents souvenir to Mr. Fukuda Naoyuki – General Director of Saigon Stec Co., Ltd.

Mr. Tran Thanh Liem - Vice Chairman of provincial People's Committee affirmed that, Binh Duong always accompanied and created a favorable investment environment for businesses. Every year, the province has policies to create opportunities for businesses to operate better and promptly solve difficulties and proposals of businesses; as well as associated training for workers at universities, colleges and vocational training centers in the province. Vice Chairman hoped, Saigon Stec and Sharp Takaya Corporation will continue to expand investment in Binh Duong. From province side, we will continue to accompany Saigon Stec in particular and businesses in general, to have the best investment environment.

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