Thứ 6, Ngày 05/04/2024, 09:00
Science and Technology Activities in Binh Duong Province
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​PORTAL – During the period 2012 – 2022, Binh Duong clearly defined that science–technology is the bridge that creates connections between industries, localities, businesses, and institutions to solve political tasks.

​1.     Science and Technology Activities in 2023

The province deployed and managed 43 new and urgent topics, projects, and policy proposals, such as the smart village, happy education, improving the civil servants' quality, security, digital economic and social development solutions, etc. 100​% of topics were put into application after acceptance, typically are logistics planning, treatment of respiratory failure, new solutions for worker security, etc. The province supported businesses in digital transformation through quality productivity programs, and intellectual property development, and guided them to set up science and technology funds to improve production lines, personnel coordinated 03 enterprises for participation in the National Quality Award, trained and fostered 4.0 technology applications, etc. Binh Duong approved the Binh Duong Innovation Center (BIIC) Project for the period 2023-2025 and amended and supplemented a support innovative startups project until 2025. The province organized 19 connect events, large-scale conferences on lean production, intellectual property, economic security, an exhibition to celebrate Science and Technology Day, social responsibility in the context of the European-Viet Nam Free Trade Agreement (EVFTA); Manufacturing Innovation Forum 2023; Science and Technology briefing in the Southeast region; Receiving the Academy Delegation of 04 countries, etc. It also implemented cooperation between the Central Theoretical Council and Binh Duong province on the province's development model project, surveys, discussions, and scientific seminars have been organized. Smart City was fully deployed: Promulgating the Action Program, establishing the Viet Nam-Singapore Innovation Center, and Research on optimal exploitation of IOC data. In 2023, Binh Duong Smart City - Innovation Region was honored by ICF as a Community with a typical smart development strategy.

2.     Orientation for scientific research and technology development at the provincial level

-       Social Sciences and Humanities

Research the scientific and practical basis for planning guidelines, policies, and directions for socio-economic development.

Research solutions to implement the goals and contents of the Party's Resolutions on social stability, education, culture, ethnicity, security, and defense.

Research issues of protecting and promoting cultural values associated with socio-economic development and international integration.

Research and propose policy mechanisms on the development, management, and use of human resources, focusing on labor, wages, education and training, culture, sports and tourism, social insurance, etc.

Research on labor issues in Binh Duong province: housing issues for workers, kindergarten issues; food safety issues; issues in the fields of health and education; building cultural and spiritual life for workers, etc.

-       Education and training

Research and apply the achievements of science and technology in teaching and educational management. Deploy and replicate the application of experiential initiatives.

-       Healthcare

Research and develop methods combining modern medicine and traditional medicine in diagnosis, treatment, care, and protection of public health.

Research and apply science and technology in population work and develop and transfer models to improve population quality in the new situation.

Promote scientific research activities, summary, and assessment of disease and disability models in screening, diagnosis, and treatment of some prenatal and neonatal diseases.

-       Agriculture

Research, apply, and transfer new high-quality varieties suitable for urban agriculture. Build urban agricultural production models and processes that are sustainable and safe for the environment.

Build a model to apply technical advances to improve the productivity and quality of some citrus fruit trees in the province to meet VietGAP standards and connect with the consumer market. Develop specialty fruit trees along Dong Nai and Saigon rivers associated with eco-tourism and resorts.

Research, apply, and develop new and advanced technologies in preserving and processing citrus trees.

Apply advanced science and technology and biotechnology to improve economically effective plant varieties. Apply technical advances and new technology to seed production, food production, and care processes.

Build and transfer new and progressive processes in the field of afforestation and high-quality intensive production.

Strengthen research and application of science and technology transfer in food production, preservation, and processing. Focus on researching, selecting, creating, and developing crops, livestock, and aquatic breeds with high productivity, quality, disease resistance, and adaptation to climate change. For rice and fruit trees, focus on selecting varieties that are nutritious, drought-resistant, and waterlogged. Promote research and application of mechanization and synchronous automation from production to harvesting, preservation, and processing.

Scientific research and technology transfer to serve the development of organic agriculture. Develop science and technology solutions to serve the development of organic agriculture. Promote international cooperation in scientific research and technology transfer to serve the production of inputs for organic agricultural production.

Research and apply science and technology related to agricultural production management. Apply and transfer scientific and technological advances in production in social life to serve the construction of smart villages in Bach Dang commune, Tan Uyen City.

Research and apply science and technology to serve forestry development. Apply science and technology to exploiting and processing forest products, creating attractive conditions for businesses.

Research and apply scientific and technical advances. Apply and transfer new and advanced technologies in animal husbandry.

Research and apply science and technology to develop aquaculture and build a new model of aquaculture to serve aquaculture development. Research and apply science and technology to serve environmental monitoring and warning in aquaculture.

-       Natural resources and environment conservation

Research the effects of industrial development and urban development on the environment, natural resources, climate change, and people's health in current conditions and predictions for the future.

Research and apply new equipment and technology to serve the field of environmental and resource protection.

Research and apply clean production technology, energy-saving technology, renewable energy technology, and environmentally friendly technology in production and business to minimize greenhouse gas emissions and reduce environmental pollution.

Research and develop new and advanced technologies, especially in the fields of energy and waste treatment to adapt to climate change.​

Promote research activities and application of scientific and technological achievements in overcoming the consequences of toxic chemicals/dioxins after wars in Viet Nam.

-       Information technology and communication

Research and apply information technology in the operations of state agencies to gradually build an electronic government according to the general orientation of the province. Research and propose an open-oriented information and communication technology architecture framework for smart cities as a foundation for the development of smart urban solutions.

Research risks from network security, ensure network information security, assess risks, monitor, detect attacks, warn early, promptly prevent, and respond to safety-related incidents information as well as safety for information systems and automation systems, monitoring and control systems in key infrastructure and data of the province.

Research and apply the Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to serve social-economic management.

Research and develop digital transformation for priority areas of the province, i.e., health, education - training, industrial production and logistics, transportation, natural resources and environment, planning and management of urban areas, agriculture, culture and tourism, and energy.

-       Transportation

Research solutions to reduce accidents and traffic congestion. Apply scientific and technological advances in multimodal transport management, logistics services, and load control. Research reasonable, scientific, and step-by-step modern solutions for organizing and managing transportation. Apply information technology in traffic network management and planning.

Research smart transportation systems in Binh Duong province towards building a smart city.

Research and apply science and technology in traffic management, smart traffic, and ensure road traffic order and safety.

-       Service and economy

Research and propose policy solutions related to operating organizational models when building smart cities, policy mechanisms, solutions on financial attraction models, communication, and building ecosystems entrepreneurial attitude.

Research science and technology solutions to build and develop a smart city to improve people's quality of life, reduce resource consumption costs, and improve communication and interaction between people and government.

Research and apply science and technology in the field of economical and efficient use of energy in the province.

-       Security and order, national defense

Research solutions to improve the effectiveness of ensuring social safety in key areas in the province such as industrial zones, clusters, and bordering areas. Organize crime issues. Solutions to prevent murder due to social causes.

Research solutions to improve the efficiency of immigration management, security and order issues in industrial zones, clusters, boarding houses, and acts of gathering, demonstrations, and strikes that cause difficulties for businesses and production stagnation.

Research and apply science to serve the prevention and combat of crimes and violations of the law, especially crimes using high technology and drug crimes, etc. Build and implement public science tasks technology to improve crime prevention and control and ensure security and order in the province.

Scientific research, apply, and develop advanced technology to serve fire prevention, fighting, and rescue in the province.

Research and apply science and technology in the military and defense fields.

3.     Situation and orientation of science, technology, and innovation development

Orientations, mechanisms, and policies on science, technology, and innovation are specified in accordance with the socio-economic conditions of the province.

With the attention and direction of the Provincial Party Committee and Provincial People's Committee, many central legal documents have been specified to suit local conditions, and administrative procedure reform has improved. Since then, scientific and technological activities have had positive changes, contributing to socio-economic development, forming a solid legal corridor, bringing efficiency in management, serving production and business activities, and creating a trust of businesses and people in the local government apparatus. This has brought out the unique attractive advantages of Binh Duong, forming the general development orientation for sectors and localities in terms of social-economic development. The system of Resolutions, Directives, and Action Programs is gradually coming to life. In particular, Binh Duong has issued many important Resolutions and Decisions (03 Resolutions from the People's Council, and 01 Decision from the People's Committee) to promote the development of innovative start-up activities in the province. This is a breakthrough, a new creation with clear processes, mechanisms, and norms to create all conditions to support business incubators - start-up support organizations, start-up businesses, groups, and individuals.

With new creations, Binh Duong wishes to elevate the role of science and technology, innovation, rapid and sustainable development based on science and technology; improve research capacity, and master new technology. The province also wishes to take businesses as the center of innovation, research, development, application, and technology transfer.

The government creates a playground, forms and stimulates social resources to participate in the development.

During the period 2012 – 2022, Binh Duong clearly defined that science–technology is the bridge that creates connections between industries, localities, businesses, and institutions to solve political tasks.

Binh Duong regularly coordinates to participate in professional support activities; organizes many training classes and conferences to disseminate and propagate to departments, branches, and localities; coordinates with universities, research institutes, the Economic Division, and the Provincial Farmers' Association to transfer scientific and technical advances to the locality; develops and signs coordination programs with units in the province. The results show that Binh Duong has implemented many science and technology tasks in many different fields, solving many urgent needs according to orders from the province and localities. The topics are often highly applicable, providing many scientific and practical arguments to solve the concerns of industries, localities, and businesses and improve productivity, quality, and management efficiency. Binh Duong always accompanies and supports businesses in building and applying advanced quality management systems and protecting industrial property rights. It supports businesses to research, deploy, and innovate technology, participate in national science and technology programs, equipment and technology markets, technology supply and demand forums, and the program to support innovative startups in the province.

On March 19, 2018, with the approval of the Provincial People's Committee, the Project "Establishment of the Center for Community Initiatives and Startup Support of Binh Duong Province" was officially implemented (Decision No. 708/QD-UBND). The center is essentially an open space, a common roof - a convergence of resources from the province's startup support policy and a network of links and connections with components in the startup ecosystem internally and externally, which aims to support and promote the development of creative startups in the province.

The center is an open space serving all individuals, communities, people, and businesses in Binh Duong province. It currently has many functional spaces such as co-working spaces, meeting rooms, group work rooms, relaxation rooms, online meeting rooms, STEM/STEAM educational spaces, training spaces, FabLab manufacturing laboratories, etc.

Besides, Binh Duong has formed intermediary organizations in the science and technology market. These organizations have been working actively, contributing greatly to promoting the development of the innovative ecosystem in the province. For example:

+ Becamex Business Incubator (BBI) at Eastern International University;

+ Startup Club established by Thu Dau Mot University;

+ Organizing support for business establishment at Binh Duong University;

+ Instruct the Thuy Loi University – Southern Campus (Campus 2) to establish an Agricultural Startup Support Center in the province;

+ 07 laboratories based on the local strengths: Mechanical Engineering Fablab (Viet Nam – Singapore Vocational College); Biotechnology Fablab (Thu Dau Mot University); Multidisciplinary Fablab (Binh Duong Community Initiative and Start-up Support Center); Becamex manufacturing laboratory; Philips Lighting Lab at Eastern International University; Becamex Research and Development Institute; Joint research and development department of VNTT and Wustech. Among them, 02 Fablabs have participated in the world Fablab network, one is at the Binh Duong Community Initiative and Start-up Support Center, and the other is at Eastern International University.

Binh Duong's development of science and technology and innovative startups is always associated with the "enterprise-centered" perspective.

The province has always created favorable conditions for businesses to accompany and deploy in the fields of social infrastructure development, industrial infrastructure, transportation, logistics, etc. It has also accompanied businesses to develop and upgrade international cooperation relationships, attract resources, exchange, and share experiences, apply modern and advanced science and technology, access new investment opportunities, and maximize cooperation opportunities with international networks and organizations of smart cities, science and technology in the world. Binh Duong promotes investment activities, supports businesses to carry out R&D activities, improves technology and management levels, rises to higher levels in the value chain, and creates products and new services. It also promotes the implementation of intellectual property work and creates conditions for businesses to improve their competitiveness and to participate in activities connecting technology supply and demand in the area. New technologies and technology transfer activities are gradually coming closer to businesses and people.

Over the past few years, Binh Duong has regularly expanded cooperation with Ho Chi Minh City National University in scientific research and technology development, technology transfer, and human resource training for the period 2017 – 2022. It has diversified partners and promoted domestic and international cooperation in science and technology with key areas, and priority areas, linking science and technology cooperation with economic cooperation. In 2022, Binh Duong coordinated sectors within the province and outside the province (Science and Technology Sector, Agriculture and Rural Development, Phu Giao District People's Committee, University of Social Sciences and Humanities) to jointly organize a seminar, i.e., "Science, Technology and Innovation: The resilience of high-tech agriculture in Binh Duong province" to propagate the Vietnamese Science and Technology Day May 18.

Besides, Binh Duong has created opportunities for units and businesses in the province to participate in regional Techmart activities organized in other cities and provinces. It has promoted the implementation of the online Science and Technology Information Consulting Center; organized and operated the virtual technology and equipment trading floor with the orientation of becoming one of the reputable e-commerce floors in Binh Duong province in particular and the southern region in general, moving towards connection to share information with regional and domestic technology and equipment exchanges. These are extremely important connection activities that help Binh Duong in general, and businesses in particular, have important opportunities to network, and at the same time promote the province's image throughout Viet Nam.

Binh Duong develops the triple helix model throughout the province's development orientation

Binh Duong started to implement the Smart City project in 2016 with the foundation of the triple helix model (Government – Business – University/ Institution). The model sets citizens and knowledge as the center, the government plays the leading role so that science – and technology can develop simultaneously. The parties cooperate on a basis of voluntary, discuss together, share vision, opportunities, challenges, and resources to build common development orientations for the locality, and commit to implementing it together.

Binh Duong has built a system of mechanisms and policies to promote innovative startup support activities, encouraging social resources to jointly invest in the above startup ecosystem development goals. Those mechanisms and policies identify state budget sources as bait capital, encouraging social capital sources to invest together. Binh Duong always creates favorable conditions for all economic sectors in society to participate.

Binh Duong has always considered the human as the leading factor, dominating all other factors. Binh Duong is trying to build a smart economy that solves the issues of cooperation, investment, production, entrepreneurship spirit, creativity, flexibility to adapt to market changes, international integration ability, digital transformation capabilities, etc. in accordance with the spirit of Resolution 52 of the Politburo. The province has built a provincial-level digital transformation strategy, which focuses on accelerating the development of e-government, and digital transformation in the industry, developing smart manufacturing, smart factories, etc. applying core technologies of the fourth industrial revolution such as artificial intelligence, big data, Blockchain, etc. With the development trend of science and technology, shifting towards smart city development is an inevitable solution for urban problems. These are important directions that Binh Duong has always determined throughout its development process.

Promote domestic and international linkage and cooperation activities

In recent years, the Science and Technology sector has coordinated with other sectors to advise the Provincial People's Committee to organize many national and international events: the  Binh Duong Scientific Conference; an Event honoring ICF top 7, Horasis India, a Scientific conference on high-tech agriculture, a Scientific conference on post-Covid recovery, etc. Especially the international Techfest Viet Nam 2022 event series, with over 30 seminars, hundreds of exhibition booths, and more than 7,000 visitors, and the imprint program with the direct participation and direction of the Prime Minister, etc. Over the past few years, the science and technology industry has always been active and proactive in connecting and cooperating with parties, opening up many new science and technology activity programs. Particularly, the Department of Science and Technology has signed official cooperation agreements with many units, like the Provincial Department of Agriculture and Rural Development and Ho Chi Minh City University of Agriculture and Forestry; with the Provincial Union of Science and Technology Associations, Provincial Farmers' Association, Cooperative Alliance, Provincial Youth Union, Dau Tieng Rubber Company, World Trade Center Binh Duong New City, etc. The Department of Science and Technology was assigned as the focal point to connect strategic cooperation between the Provincial Party Committee and the Central Theoretical Council, the Provincial People's Committee, and Ho Chi Minh City National University. The industry's efforts during the year have contributed to bringing the province several international and national awards: Binh Duong is one of six localities achieving TOP Industry 4.0 in Viet Nam 2022 (honored by the Viet Nam Science and Technology Associations in coordination with ministries and central branches), honored by the World Intelligent Community Forum (ICF) as Top 1 community with a typical Smart City development strategy 2023.

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