Thứ 3, Ngày 25/06/2024, 15:00
Binh Duong plans to invest in 160,325 social housing in the term 2021-2030
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PORTAL – The Provincial People's Committee issued Decision No. 1696/QD-UBND approving the Scheme for developing social housing, and worker housing in the term 2021-2025, with a vision to 2030.

​Accordingly, implementing the Prime Minister's Decision No. 338/QD-TTg on April 03, 2023, approving the Scheme "Investing in the construction of at least 1 million social housings for low-income people and industrial park workers in the term 2021-2030", Binh Duong province is assigned a development target of 86,877 apartments by the government, which compared to the forecast demand of 115,836 social housings in the term 2021 – 2030. From 2021 to 2025, it is forecasted to be 36,377 units/ 61,836 units; from 2026 – 2030 is 40,500 units/ 54,000 units according to the forecast.

Based on the survey's results, it is forecasted that by 2025, there will be 42,816 people working at enterprises inside and outside industrial parks, civil servants, and armed forces in need of social housing, equivalent to 42,816 households, with an are​a of 1,926,720 m2 of construction floor. From 2026 – 2030, there will be 86,396 people equivalent to 86,396 apartments, with an area of 4,319,800 m2.

Thus, the total number of people needing social housing is 129,212 people, equivalent to 129,212 units.

According to the project, in the term 2021 – 2030, Binh Duong is expected to invest in about 160,325 social housing (155,289 apartments and 5,036 townhouses, of which the number of units for lease is about 32,065). The total land area is about 470.4 hectares, the construction floor area is estimated at 9,253,924 m2, meeting about 552,458 people with a total investment of about 84,756 billion VND, higher than the target assigned by the government in Decision No.338/QD-TTg dated April 3, 2023.

From 2021 to 2025, it is expected to allocate about 136.1 hectares of investment land area to complete about 42,445 social housing units, with a construction floor area of 2,612,721 m2, meeting about 138,326 people with a total investment of about 23,817 billion VND; from 2026 to 2030, it is expected to allocate about 334.3 hectares of land area, invest in completing about 117,880 social housing units, with a construction floor area of 6,641,203 m2, meeting about 414,132 people with a total investment of about 60,939 billion VND.

The land fund recovered by the State has not yet been put into use or the land fund is being managed by State enterprises, including commercial and service land, production and business land in 26 areas with about 121.9 hectares, which is expected to be invested in about 18,789 units, equivalent to 2,598,732 m2 of construction floor,  the population is about 116,204 people with a total investment of about 17,294 billion VND, to be included in the land fund for the development of social housing and housing for workers.

In the period of 2021-2025: It is expected to implement 10 projects with a land area of about 44.5 hectares, build about 17,418 social housing units, equivalent to 989,153 squares of construction floor, population of about 65,812 people with a total investment of about 9,168 billion VND.

From 2026 through 2030: Continuing to implement social housing projects with a land area of about 143.9 hectares, about 56,351 units, equivalent to 3,200,150 m2 of construction floor, population of about 212,916 people with a total investment of about 29,661 billion VND.

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