Thứ 6, Ngày 22/09/2023, 10:00
Binh Duong is on the right track in building a Smart City
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PORTAL - That is the assessment of Mr. John Jung - Co-founder of the Intelligent Community Forum (ICF) at the meeting with leaders of Binh Duong province on inspection results and proposed directions for the future took place on the afternoon of September 07, in Thu Dau Mot City.

​Welcoming and working with the ICF delegation were Mr. Nguyen Hoang Thao - Permanent Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee; Mr. Mai Hung Dung - Member of Provincial Standing Party Committee, Permanent Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee (PPC); Mr. Nguyen Van Hung - Board of Directors' Chairman of Becamex IDC Corp and leaders of provincial departments, committees and branches.


Overview of the meeting

Speaking at the meeting, Mr. John Jung thanked Binh Duong province for inviting him to visit, survey project programs and evaluate the province's specific activities in building a Smart City. After more than 2 working days in Binh Duong, he expressed his impression of the changes in infrastructure and economic development, especially the province's orientation to convert from traditional industry to high value-added, advanced, and environmentally friendly industry.

Mr. John Jung also appreciated putting people at the center of development, giving priority to serving people and the community in building Binh Duong Smart City. Among them, the investment in building social housing in Binh Duong is a project that he was very impressed with and he hoped that the province will build and develop more projects so that workers can live and work stably and long-term in Binh Duong.


Mr. John Jung - ICF Co-founder speaks at the meeting

From the ICF's perspective, he assessed that Binh Duong is on the right track; focusing on innovation, converting to modern industry with high added value, investing in infrastructure, social housing, education, etc. is the direction for smart, sustainable development. He believed that the initial specific results in building a Smart City and the province's current investment will bring even more impressive results in the upcoming period.

Regarding the future direction, according to Mr. John Jung, in the master plan, the province needs to pay attention to the transportation system towards the TOD model; create space for people to live, increase green space to make Binh Duong a place worth living, a place to attract and retain talent. He highly appreciated and said that Binh Duong has applied the "Triple helix" cooperation model well, but needs to continue to do better, especially increase community participation in government decisions.

Another factor, according to Mr. John Jung, Binh Duong needs to continue investing in building its image, brand and widely promoting so that the world knows about Binh Duong. With his position at ICF, Mr. John Jung hoped to be an active participant in telling Binh Duong's story to the world.


Mr. Mai Hung Dung – Permanent Vice Chairman of the PPC speaks at the meeting

Speaking at the meeting, on behalf of the provincial leaders, Mr. Mai Hung Dung - Permanent Vice Chairman of the PPC said that Binh Duong is very honored to participate in ICF. Through participating in ICF, Binh Duong learns a lot about the province's development process; at the same time, this is also an opportunity for Binh Duong to introduce and promote its image to 200 localities of many countries around the world that are ICF's members. He thanked Mr. John Jung for taking the time to come to Binh Duong to see firsthand the province's changes and expressed his honor when Mr. John Jung shared Binh Duong's story with the world. Binh Duong provincial leaders will participate in the TOP 1 ICF evaluation event taking place next October in New York, USA.

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