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Thứ 3, Ngày 12/12/2017, 11:00
Question 32
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​Desiring to extend temporary residence card from 3-5 years to reduce the burden of making cards every year of businesses.

Answer by Department of Immigration Management – Provincial Public Security:

On June 16th 2014, the National Assembly promulgated the Law on Entry, Exit, Transit, Residence of Foreigners in Vietnam, the duration of a temporary residence card stipulating in Article 38 of this Law as follows:

  1. Duration of temporary residence card shall be at least 30 days shorter than remaining duration of the passport.
  2. Temporary residence card with code of NG3, LV1, LV2, ĐT and DH with duration of not more than 05 years.
  3. Temporary residence cards with code of NN1, NN2, TT with duration of not more than 03 years.
  4. Temporary residence cards with code of LĐ and PV1 with duration of not more than 02 years.
  5. Expired temporary residence card is considered for issuing new card.
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