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Thứ 4, Ngày 13/12/2017, 12:00
Investment registration in Vietnam-Singapore Industrial Park for projects with foreign investment associated with the establishment of branches (applicable to projects with a size of less than 300 billion VND and not subject to conditional investment)
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Investment Sector (VSIP)

Implementing authority

Management Board of VSIP

How to apply

+ Submit directly  + By post

Term of settlement

07 working days, from the date of receiving complete and valid dossiers.

Administrative fee required


Steps taken

Step 1. Enterprises shall submit dossiers at OSS of Vietnam-Singapore Industrial Park Management Board - No. 08 Huu Nghi Avenue, Vietnam-Singapore Industrial Park, Thuan An Town, Binh Duong Province.

Step 2. If the dossier is complete, the receptionist shall receive the dossier and write the receipt for the date of returning the result.

+ If the dossier is incomplete, there is a request for adjustment of the dossier, the Management Board shall notify the applicant in writing within 03 working days from the date of receiving the dossier.

* In case, dossiers sent by post:

The date when OSS receives the transfer from postal worker is counted as the date of receipt.

Step 3. By the date of appointment, go to the place where the investment certificate is issued. In case of ineligibility for issuance of Investment Certificate, enterprises will receive written reply from the Management Board of Vietnam-Singapore Industrial Park.

* When receiving the results, the recipient will produce a receipt (in case of loss receipt or dossier sent by mail, the recipient must produce recommendation letter of enterprise).

Documents to be submitted

1 Registration form of investment certificate.

2 A valid copy of Business Registration Certificate of enterprise registering the establishment of branch.

3 Valid copy of Charter of Investment Company.

4 Written decision to establish a branch.

5 A valid copy of the Decision appointing the head of branch.

6 Report on financial capacity of investors (self-founded and responsible investors).

7 The principle agreement on investment location.

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