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Thứ 4, Ngày 13/12/2017, 12:00
Operation terminate of executive office of foreign investors in the BCC contract
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Investment Sector (VSIP)

Implementing authority

Management Board of VSIP

How to apply

+ Submit directly at OSS + By post. + Apply online.

Term of settlement

07 working days, from the date of receiving complete and valid dossiers.

Administrative fee required


Steps taken

Step 1. Authorized representatives of organizations and individuals prepare the application file to the Binh Duong Industrial Zones Authority, Office 25, 26, Floor 1, Tower A, Binh Duong Provincial Administrative Center, Le Loi street, Hoa Phu ward, Thu Dau Mot town, Binh Duong province; phone: 0650.3831215; website: Ban Quản lý KCN Việt Nam – Singapore, Office 29, floor 1, tower A, Binh Duong provincial Administrative Center, phone: 0650.2476903, website: for guidance and fill in the required declaration form.

If the application is valid (in terms of composition and legality), the receptionist will write the appointment slip to the applicant; if the dossier is invalid, it will be guided in writing to supplement the dossier.

Step 2. By appointment date, the organization or individual comes to the place where the application file is received for results.

Documents to be submitted

2 List of creditors and debts paid

3 List of workers and workers' rights have been resolved

4 Tax office's confirmation certificate of fulfillment of tax obligations

5 Social Insurance Agency's confirmation certificate of fulfillment of the social insurance obligation

6 Public Security's confirmation certificate of seal cancellation

7 Registration certificate of Executive office operation

8 Copy of investment registration certificate

9 Copy of BCC contract

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