BEGIC - Under the statistics of Foreign Investment Bureau - Ministry of Investment and Planning, in the first six months of 2012, Binh Duong leads the whole country in foreign direct investment (FDI).
BEGIC – 25th July, Chairman Le Thanh Cung presided at the meeting which accessed about the implementation of Resolution No.13/NQ-CP of the Government and some solutions solving the problems in manufacture, supporting market with attention of departments, agencies, and commercial banks in the province.
BEGIC - Implementing Government’s direction on solving difficulties in business and manufacturing of enterprises, Vietnam State Bank – Binh Duong Branch has carried out many solutions in monetary, credits, rates for small and medium enterprises (SMEs), rural & agriculture, exporting manufacturing and supporting industrial enterprises with total loan of 5,392 billion VND.
BEGIC - In the first 6 months of 2012, in spite of the general difficult context of the economy, the decreased purchasing power, the lower growth of economy, Binh Duong still attained the proposed targets. The provincial GDP was estimated to gain 10%, in which, 7.4%, 16.8% and 1.9% of industry, service and agriculture respectively.
BEGIC - 11th July – The Closing session of the 4th meeting session of provincial People’s Council VIII (Term 2011 – 2016) took place at Conference Room A of Provincial People’s Committee. Member of Central Party and Provincial Party Secretary – Mr. Mai The Trung attended the session.
BEGIC - July 10th, at Binh Duong conference room was opened the 4th session of the 8th Binh Duong People’s Council (Term 2011 - 2016). Participants were member of the Party Central, Secretary of Provincial Party Committee Mai The Trung.
BEGIC - 3rd July - Provincial People’s Committee, Chairman Le Thanh Cung and Vice Chairman Tran Thanh Liem met with Director of Romav Shipping Pte. Ltd. (Singapore) – Mr. Deepak Gupta in his working visit for exploring investment opportunities in the fields of port and real estates in Binh Duong province.
BEGIC - While the global economy still witnesses difficulties in the first six months of 2012, Binh Duong province continues to have good growth rate. Provincial GDP is estimated to increase 10% compared to same period, in which industry – service – agricultural sector increased 7.4%, 16.8% and 1.9% respectively.
BEGIC - Within the first six months of 2012, Binh Duong province has 780 newly-registered domestic enterprises with total capital of VND 3,407 billion and 201 capital-increased enterprises with total capital of VND 2,178 billion.
BEGIC - Although being affected by the global economic depression and changes, import – export of Binh Duong province in the first six months of 2012 still have good growth rate, almost all enterprises have gained exporting contracts.