Thứ 3, Ngày 10/12/2024, 09:00
Binh Duong has one more Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee
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PORTAL - On the morning of December 9, the 19th Session - Provincial People's Council, term X conducted personnel work to elect an additional Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee, term X, 2021-2026.

Accordingly, the delegates carried out the process of introducing and voting for the additional position of Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee for Mr. Bui Minh Thanh – Member of the Provincial Party Committee and Secretary of the Party Committee of Ben Cat City.

Delegates vote for the additional position of Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee

As a result, with the approval votes of 61 votes out of 62 presenting delegates, 61 votes out of a total of 67 Provincial People's Council delegates (91.04%), Mr. Bui Minh Thanh was elected to the position of Vice Chairman of Binh Provincial People's Committee, term X, 2021-2026.

Mr. Bui Minh Thanh was born on January 4, 1971, hometown: Chanh My Ward, Thu Dau Mot City, Binh Duong Province; Qualification: Bachelor of Party Construction, Advanced Politics.

Thus, currently, the People's Committee of Binh Duong Province has a Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee, Mr. Vo Van Minh, and Vice Chairmen: Mr. Mai Hung Dung, Mr. Nguyen Loc Ha, and Mr. Bui Minh Thanh.

Leaders and former leaders of the province give flowers to congratulate Mr. Bui Minh Thanh on being elected as Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee, term X, 2021-2026​

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