Thứ 5, Ngày 17/10/2024, 15:00
EDCF hopes to promote public healthcare projects in Binh Duong
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On the morning of October 16, at the Administrative Center of Binh Duong Province, Mr. Mai Hung Dung – Member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, Standing Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee (PPC) welcomed Mr. Kim Jin Pyo - Former Vice Minister of Finance and Economy of Republic of Korea (RoK) coming to explore investment cooperation opportunities and support funding from the Economic Development Cooperation Fund (EDCF) of RoK for hospitals in Binh Duong province.

At the meeting, Mr. Kim Jin Pyo said that the Government of RoK had established EDCF on June 1, 1987, with the purpose of promoting economic cooperation between RoK and developing countries. From 1995 to 2015, EDCF supported Viet Nam about 2.36 billion USD in healthcare, construction, environment, etc.

Overview of the meeting

Mr. Kim Jin Pyo hoped to cooperate with Binh Duong in actively promoting public healthcare projects, especially for the disadvantaged, those who suffer from poverty and disease, as well as to carry out educational projects.

Mr. Mai Hung Dung - Standing Vice Chairman of the PPC welcomes Mr. Kim Jin Pyo - Former Vice Minister of Finance and Economy of RoK

Mr. Mai Hung Dung - Standing Vice Chairman of the PPC shared with the Delegation that in the past few years, Binh Duong had always been considered one of the leading localities regarding socio-economic development and foreign direct investment (FDI) attraction. The province's gross regional domestic product (GRDP) always achieves a fairly high growth rate compared to the average growth rate of Viet Nam. In 2023, Intelligent Community Forum honored Binh Duong as the Top 1 community with a typical smart city development strategy in the world.

Mr. Mai Hung Dung - Standing Vice Chairman of the PPC presents a souvenir to Mr. Kim Jin Pyo - Former Vice Minister of Finance and Economy of RoK

Binh Duong is an industrially developed province with an extremely high mechanical population growth rate. It is forecasted that by 2030 the province's population can reach over 3.5 million people. This high population growth rate leads to immense pressure in some sectors, especially health care and education. In order to maintain a sustainable workforce in the health sector and contribute to improving the quality of examination, treatment, and health care for Binh Duong's citizens in the future, it is extremely urgent to train high-quality human resources for this sector. Specialized departments, hospitals, and schools will actively coordinate and support the EDCF to research, invest in, and develop health and medical projects in the province.

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