Thứ 4, Ngày 31/10/2012, 01:40
Binh Duong attracted 84 FDI projects
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BEGIC - In spite of the obstacles in the current circumstance, Binh Duong economy still kept the stable and active growth in 9 months of 2012. The provincial GDP registered the growth of 11.2% compared to last period. Binh Duong becomes the pioneer province in attracting the foreign investment in Vietnam.
FDI reached US$2 billion 448 million, comprising 84 new projects with the capital of US$1.548 million and 89 added-capital projects of US$889 million. Among them, the Binh Duong Tokyu Garden City project capitalized US$1.2 billion. The accumulation FDI of projects in Binh Duong province counted up 2,109 projects of the total capital of US$17 billion 250 million. The provincial authority organized three ceremonies in order to grant the investment certificate to the important projects of domestic and foreigner investors.


Binh Duong Chairman Le Thanh Cung granted the investment certificate to Becamex Tokyu Co., Ltd.



Besides, the province attracted the domestic investment 10.134 billion VND from 1240 new enterprises with the total capital of 5.735 billion VND and 328 added-capital enterprises of 4.399 billion VND. The accumulated enterprises actually count up 13,181 with the total capital of 101.653 billion VND.
According to the Department of Foreign investment’s statistics, Ministry of Planning and investment, Binh Duong was ranked the top attracting the foreign investment in the 9 months of 2012 with the newly -registered capital of US$2.448 and the added-capital attaining 22.7% the total investment. The percentage of the next position, Hai Phong City, is 11.3%, comprising of the new investment and US$ 1.08 billion, Dong Nai occupies the third place with US$ 991.6 million of the new and supplemented capital. The next place belongs to Ho Chi Minh City, Ha Noi and Bac Giang with the total capital is respectively US$ 996 million, US$ 954 and US$ 921 million.

Mai Xuan 

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