Thứ 2, Ngày 15/10/2012, 08:29
Binh Duong to implement the Law on Complanints and Denunciations
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BEGIC - Oct, at Provincial People’s Committee, the Provincial Inspectorate Department held a Meeting on implementing the Law on Complaints and Law on Denunciations 2011 for inspectors at provincial and district’s level, as well as inspectors from related departments and organizations.
Reporter Hoang Duc Long – Senior Inspector implementing Law on Complaints, Law on Denunciations and related documents
The Law on Complaints, Law on Denunciations 2011 passed by the Government on 11 Nov 2011 and being effective from 1st July 2012. The Law on Complaints includes 8 chapters with 70 articles, replacing regulations on complaints and denunciations no. 09/1998/QH10 amended and supplemented to Law no. 26/2004/QH11 and Law no. 58/2005/QH11.
The Law on Denunciations includes 8 chapters and 50 articles, in comparison to Law on Complaints and Denunciations 1998, the Law on Denunciations 2011 supplements 43 articles and some new items on enlarging scale to generalize the denunciation and its solution towards law violation in reality.
Besides, the Meeting also implemented Decree no. 75/ND-CP dated 3 Oct 2012 on detail regulating some articles of the Law on Complaints.
Hoang Pham
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