Thứ 4, Ngày 28/11/2012, 08:15
Seminar implementing the democratic regulations in the Binh Duong enterprises
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BEGIC - Nov.2012, at the provincial hall, Binh Duong Steering Committee of the implementation of democratic regulations in Binh Duong province ( The Provincial Steering Committee in brief) hold the seminar “ sharing the experiences in implementing the democratic regulations in joint-stock and limited companies pursuant the Decree No. 87/2007/NĐ-CP dated 28/5/2007 of the P...
Participants were Mr. Nguyen Phu Binh-Deputy Head of the State People Mobilization Work, Central Committee for people campaigning;  Mr. Vu Minh Sang-Standing Deputy Secretary of Binh Duong Party Committee and Chairman of the Provincial People Council - Head of the Provincial Steering Committee; Mr. Tran Thanh Liem-Head of the Committee of People Mobilization  and Provincial Party Committee-Vice Head of the Steering Committee; Mrs. Tran Thi Kim Van-Vice Chairwoman of the Provincial People Council and Vice Head of the Steering Committee; Mr. Huynh Van Nhi-Vice Chairman of Provincial People’s Committee-Vice Head of the provincial Steering Committee; representatives of departments, branches and committees, People’s Committee of districts, towns and City and local enterprises.
At the event, the results, reasons and experiences and efficient activities were analyzed during the implementation process of democratic regulations in local joint-stock and limited companies. At the same time, the seminar contributed to enhance the relationship between authorities at all levels and manufacturers and between employers and employees.
Head of the Committee of People Mobilization and Provincial Party Committee-Mr. Tran Thanh Liem-Vice Head of the Provincial Steering Committee
Speaking at the meeting, Mr. Tran Thanh Liem – Head of the  Provincial Committee of People Mobilization and Party Committee - Vice Head of the Provincial Steering Committee informed that the implementation of democratic regulations in Binh Duong province inherently in the mobilization campaign “ Study and follow the moral example of Ho Chi Minh”. Currently, the enterprises have had the right awareness of the purpose, requirement and effect of the implementation of the Decree 87. The seminar helps to give the effective and appropriate solutions on deployment the Decree 87 in joint stock and limited companies.
Representatives of Management Board of Vietnam – Singapore Industrial Park; Foster Electric Vietnam Co., Ltd; Panko Vina Co., Ltd, Samil TongSang Vina Co., Ltd; Thai Binh Investment Joint Stock Co., and Ben Cat district Steering Committee shared experiences on the above issues.
Director of Panko Vina Co., ltd, Mr. Kim Heun Tae shared the experiences in his company
 Mr. Huynh Van Nhi-Vice Chairman of Provincial People’s Committee -Vice Head of the provincial Steering Committee 
To close the event, Mr. Huynh Van Nhi-Vice Chairman of Provincial People’s Committee-Vice Head of the provincial Steering Committee acknowledged the experiences as well as business requirements when implementing the democratic regulations in the spirit of the Decree 87 approved by the Government. Vice Chairman requested the enterprises to continue to deploy the Decree 87 appropriately to each company; especially the trade-union, the representative of labors has to coordinate with related organizations in order to well apply the regulations on democracy.
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