Thứ 5, Ngày 04/10/2012, 07:31
Provincial Leaders hold discussion meeting with Japanese enterprises
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BEGIC - 03rd Oct, at Provincial People’s Committee, Chairman Le Thanh Cung met for discussion and view exchange with Japanese General Consul in Ho Chi Minh City – Mr. Harumitsu Hida; Chairman of Japan Business Association in Ho Chi Minh City – Mr. Mitsuhiro Mori and Japanese enterprises doing business in Binh Duong province, to talk on investment and tackle difficulties.
Presenting at the meeting also had Vice Chairman of Provincial People’s Committee Mr. Huynh Van Nhi, as well as leaders of relevant governmental departments and organizations.
In the first nine months of 2012, Binh Duong’s GDP growth rate is 11.2% (twice of national average growth rate and 1.5 times of that of the Southern Key Economic Zone), industrial production value in FDI sector increased 13%, export raised by 18%. In term of FDI attraction, the province attracted $2.4 billion, three times compared to same period of 2011.
Accumulated till present, Binh Duong has attracted 176 Japanese projects with total investment capital of $3.114 billion; accounting for 1/6 of total FDI in Binh Duong province, average investment capital for each project is approximately $17.6 million, in which Binh Duong – Tokyu Urban Project has the capital of $1.2 billion.
Doing business in Binh Duong province, Japanese enterprises highly appreciate the investment environment of Binh Duong province, the comprehensive investment into infrastructure has met the requirement in standard and quality; besides, attraction policy and incentives of the province have created favorable conditions of investors to implement the projects. However, there are remaining and questions on the time that enterprises can enjoy corporate income tax exemption; electricity supply situation; dormitories and houses for workers; the forces of skilled workers have not met demand of enterprises, etc.
General Director of Yazaki EDS Vietnam Co., Ltd. – Mr. Makoto Sawairi stated that with the corporate income tax of 25%, enterprise had to amend price of products, therefore Binh Duong province should study and suggest the Government suitable tax incentives for enterprises
Representative of provincial departments and organizations have also solved the obstacles and suggestions of enterprises upon the application of Government regulations in corporate income tax exemption, electricity cut-off by-turns, training of skilled workers, etc.
Chairman of Provincial People’s Committee – Mr. Le Thanh Cung
Closing the meeting, Chairman Le Thanh Cung, on behalf of provincial Authority, acknowledged and shared the difficulties of Japanese enterprises, provincial leaders would soon direct relevant departments to solve the difficulties of enterprises in the best time, and other issues would be presented to the Government to have appropriate solution.
Though being affected by global economic difficulties, Japanese enterprises continue to invest into Binh Duong province in variety of sectors. At the meeting and discussion among Binh Duong Provincial Leaders and Japanese Enterprises doing business in Binh Duong province, Binh Duong Website has got positive opinions on investment environment of Binh Duong province.
Japanese General Consul in Ho Chi Minh City – Mr. Harumitsu Hida
Mr. Harumitsu stated:
“In recent years, Binh Duong province has had strong development, attraction policies and incentives of the province towards enterprises have been effectively implemented.
Administrative procedure reform of the province has gained the support of Japanese enterprises doing business in Binh Duong province in the fields of project approval, investment certificate issuance, etc.
I do hope that in the future, not only Japanese enterprises but also other foreign investors also come to Binh Duong province for investment.”
Chairman of Japanese Business Association in Ho Chi Minh City – Mr. Mitsuhiro Mori
“Through surveys on the operation of Japanese enterprises in Vietnam, Binh Duong is among the leading provinces/cities have good solutions to tax procedures, customs procedures and enterprises’ obstacles.
The infrastructure at industrial parks have been invested and constructed to meet the standard. Besides, transportation system connecting Binh Duong to other provinces/cities, ports, airports has been completed, ensuring transportation for enterprises.”
Hoang Pham
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