Chủ Nhật, Ngày 01/01/2017, 15:00
Incense making career
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​Village of incense in Di An Town is one of the handicraft villages of more than 100 years of age in the humble existence within a jubilantly industrialized town.​

Before becoming a town of strong industrialization, Di An had long been famous for handicraft villages. Incense production is still of high economic yields; however, fewer is producing incense now.

Incense production establishment was unknown but it has been with local generations. Their products have been famous nationwide and even in foreign markets. In its golden time, day and night production of incense was well noted. The materials required well-grown bamboo from Bu Dop of Phuoc Long in Binh Phuoc Province or from Nam Cat Tien of Lam Dong.

Incense craftmen are adorable for their skills of selecting bamboo and dividing bamboo into sticks of exact sizes. Currently, over 50 families in Di An Town are following the incense production with average income of VND 4-5 million a month for a worker.

Incense production can be all year round but shall be at the peak in a few months before Tet Holiday as the demands for incense increases. Materials for incense making includes bamboo and dust of trees, wood, and scents in good mixture for easy burning, sweet scents, and lasting. As the matter of fact, the preparation of materials is of the most importance to ensure good shaping of the incense by the good skills of the craftmen.

The preservation and development of Di An incense village have been taken good care of by Binh Duong Province. Producing households are offered loans from the province for production. Besides, Binh Duong Province has been making efforts of marketing the incense products through exhibition fairs and product introduction​.

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