Chủ Nhật, Ngày 01/01/2017, 17:00
Tan An - Ben The Temple
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Tan An - Ben The Temple is located in quarter 1, Tan An Ward, Thu Dau Mot City. This is a province-level historical cultural monument that was recognized on Jun 2nd 2004.

On Apr 26th 2014 Tan An Temple was recognized as nation-level architectural monument by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism according to Decision No. 1261/QD-BVHTTDL.

Those, who came to Tan An - Ben The, were definitely attached to a romantic image of an ancient gate and a hundred-year-old banyan tree with big roots entwining the old gate. This image was selected as the main scene context of the ancient southern village by Vietnamese filmmakers. Tan An Temple was built in 1820 to worship Tien Quan Co Nguyen Van Thanh, who was one of the closest advisors of Nguyen dynasty.

Entering the temple, there is firstly a forest of precious woods, such as go, sao, cam, dau… Therefore, this is also an ideal place for outdoor activities in the summer. Passing the forest, we see a three-arched-entrance gate leading into the house. Many Han-script lacquered boards, scrolls, parallel sentences are hung on columns and altars, these are very useful and valuable for cultural studies. Altars, statues are well-engraved works showing excellent skills of artisans at that time. Currently, the temple preserves "Sac phong" conferred by Tu Duc King in 1853. In addition to historical and cultural values, Tan An Temple is a meeting place for cultural activities of local people, especially on full moon day of annual lunar November. Every three years, there is a big festival with performances of classical theater.

Address: Quarter 1, Tan An Ward, Thu Dau Mot City

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