Provincial Party Commitee
Thứ 6, Ngày 05/11/2021, 15:00
Department of Science and Technology
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05/11/2021 | Nguyen Trang


(Mr.) Nguyen Viet Long

Position: Director


(Mr.) Nguyen Minh Chau

Position: Deputy Director




Secretariat                                                  : (+84-274) 3.822.924;

Division of Planning and Finance               : (+84-274) 3.838.356;

Division of Science Management                : (+84-274) 3.825.533;
Division of Basic Science and Technology Management; 

Division of Intellectual Property Management: (+84-274) 3.898.252;

Division of Managing Radiation and Nuclear Technology: (+84-274) 3.898.253;  

Department Inspectorate                                      :  (+84-274) 3.827.578;

Division of Standards, Metrology and Quality: (+84-274) 3.833.241;

Center of Science and Technology Advancement Application:  (+84-274) 3.820.372;

Center of Computer and Science&Technology Information



Department of Science and Technology acts as the professional agency, which counsels and supports the provincial people's committee to perform State management of science and technology, including scientific and technological operations; developing scientific and technological potentiality; standards, measures, quality; intellectual property; radioactive and isotope, and radiation application; nuclear and radiation safety, managing and implementing the public services in the sector managed by the Department in the province as stipulated by the law.

1. Submitting the provincial People's Committee

a) Drafting decisions, directions; long-term, five-year and annual plans of science and technology; programs and methods to organize and implement State administrative reform tasks and decentralized administration in the sector of science and technology in the province;

b) Mechanisms, policies, methods to speed up the scientific researches and technological development, transfers of technology, develop the technological market, effectively use potentialities and apply the scientific and technological achievements;

c) Drafting regulations on Department's functions, duties, rights and organizational structure; drafting establishment decisions and regulations on organization and operation for Fund of scientific and technological development in the locality;

d) Drafting regulations on title standards for Head, Vice Head of organizations in the Department; the managerial titles of Economic Division under management of the district-level people's committee in the sector of science and technology;

2. Submitting Chairman of the provincial People's Committee:

a) Drafting decisions on establishment, merging and dissolution for units managed by the Department as stipulated by the law; establishing the provincial scientific and technological council as stipulated in Law on Science and Technology, guided by Ministry of Science and Technology;

b) Drafting decisions on the assignment of the right to possess and use the results of scientific research and technological development using the state budget within their management to organizations and individuals according to the provisions of law;

c) Drafting specific decisions and directives under the promulgating competence of Chairman of the provincial People's Committee on science and technology;

d) Drafting documents on the relationship and coordination of work between the Department of Science and Technology and related departments, agencies and district People's Committees.

3. Guiding, inspecting and organizing to implement the legal documents, plans, mechanisms, policies on science and technology enforced and approved by the relevant agencies; informing, propagandizing, guiding, popularizing, educating law on science and technology; guiding departments, committees, branches, district-level people's committee, scientific and technological organizations of the locality in scientific and technological management.

4. Managing, organizing inspection, registration, adjustment, revocation, extension for licenses, certificates, registration certificates within State management of science and technology as stipulated by the law, assigned or authorized by the provincial people's committee.

5. Planning and estimating expenditures on development investment, scientific and technological expenditures from the annual state budget for the province's science and technology fields on the basis of summarizing estimates of departments, branches and committees, district-level People's Committees and related agencies. Monitoring and inspecting the State budget for the provincial sector of science and technology as stipulated in Law on State Budget and the Law on Science and Technology

6. Managing scientific research and technological development activities:

a) Organizing to identify, order, select, direct deliver, evaluate and pre-accept the science and technology tasks; organizing to assign the ownership and right to use results of scientific research and technological development using the state budget to organizations and individuals;

b) Monitoring, inspecting and supervising the process of implementation and pre-acceptance test of science and technology tasks using the state budget;

c) Receiving, organizing to apply and evaluate the effectiveness of applying the science and technology tasks proposed to order by the provincial People's Committee or ordered after being evaluated and accepted;

d) Organizing to evaluate and accept the results of scientific research and technological development without using the state budget of organizations and individuals in the area of province in accordance with law;

e) Combining with the local departments, committees, branches and the related agencies to propose lists of the State-level inter-branch science and technology tasks, lists of the State-level inter-region science and technology tasks for socio-economic development in the locality;

f) Establishing Science and Technology Consulting Councils in accordance with the Law on Science and Technology and decentralization or authorization of Chairman of the provincial People's Committee.

7. Regarding the development of scientific and technological markets, science and technology enterprises, scientific and technological organizations and scientific and technological potentials:

a) Organizing surveys and assessments of technological level and development of science and technology market; guiding and inspecting the operation of technology trading centers, technology exchanges, intermediary organizations of the science and technology market, science and technology enterprises in the localities;

b) Guiding the organizations and individuals in technology incubation activities and incubation of science and technology enterprises; formulating and organizing to implement the solutions to support technological innovation;

c) Organizing the registration and checking the activities of science and technology organizations, representative offices and branches of science and technology organizations; guiding the establishment and certification of science and technology enterprises in the area of province according to the provisions of law;

d) Guiding and inspecting the implementation of the autonomy and self-responsibility mechanism of public scientific and technological organizations; the establishment and development of scientific and technological enterprises in the area;

e) Guiding, managing technology transfer in the area, including technology transfer and assessment, valuation, technology appraisal, brokerage and technology transfer consultancy; technological appraisal for investment projects and appraisal for contents of science and technology of socio-economic development plans in the locality within jurisdiction;

f) Proposing investment projects on developing the scientific and technological potentials of the province and organizing the implementation after approval by competent agencies;

g) Organizing to perform mechanisms, policies to use scientific and technological officers; organizing the trainings to improve scientific and technological officers in the locality;

8. Organizing research and application of scientific - technical and technological advances; exploiting, publishing and propagating results of scientific research and technological development and other scientific and technological activities; coordinating in implementing national-level science and technology tasks using local state budgets.

9. Intellectual property:

a) Organizing to implement methods to develop industrial property; guiding the industrial property operation for organizations and individuals; managing geographical indications, landmarks, and other signs indicating the geographical origin of local specialties;

b) Guiding and assisting organizations and individuals to apply industrial property procedures; presiding, combining with relevant agencies in protecting industrial property rights and handling violations of industrial property law;

c) Presiding to implement measures to popularize, encourage and promote local inventions and innovations; organizing to consider and recognize the State-funded initiatives, material and technical facilities according to the provisions of law;

d) Assisting the Provincial People's Committee in performing the state management of intellectual property in the related fields according to the provisions of law and the decentralization or authorization of the provincial People's Committee.

10. Standards, measurement and quality

a) Organizing building-up and joining building-up of the local technical standards;

b) Organizing to popularize, apply the national technical codes, the local technical codes, the national standards, the international standards, the regional standards, the foreign standards; guiding to build up the basic standards for organizations and individuals in the area; checking the observance of laws on technical standards and regulations in the area;

c) Organizing, managing, guiding production and trade organizations, individuals to perform announce standards applicable to products, goods, services, processes and environment as assigned by the relevant State agencies;

d) Receiving standard conformity announcement of organizations, individuals that registered production and business in the locality; receiving regulation conformity announcement in the assigned sector;

e) Performing communication, question and answer for standards, quality and technical corridor in commerce in the area;

f) Organizing to implement tasks related to activities for improvement of productivity and product and goods quality;

g) Organizing appraisal and adjustment network for measurement to satisfy demand of the locality; performing appraisal and adjustment of measurement in sectors and scope as accepted;

h) Receiving the announcement of using the quantitative seal; certification of establishments' eligibility to use quantitative seals on pre-packed goods according to law provisions;

i) Organizing to check the measurement standards, measuring devices, measurements, prepackaged goods, calibration and testing activities in accordance with law; organizing to implement methods so that organizations and individuals with related rights and obligations supervise and inspect the implementation of measurements, measuring methods, measuring devices, measurement standards and goods quality;

j) Organizing testing to meet requirements of state management and needs of organizations and individuals on product and goods quality in the locality;

k) Presiding, combining with the relevant agencies to organize, realize inspection for quality of products and goods in circulation in the area, import-export goods and goods labels, codes and bar codes as assigned, decentralized or authorized by competent state agencies.

l) Organizing the application of the Quality Management System according to ISO 9001 to the operation of agencies and organizations under the state administrative system in accordance with law.

11. Radiation and radioactive isotope application, radiation and nuclear safety:

a) Radiation and radioactive isotope application:

- Organizing to implement programs, projects and methods in order to speed up radiation and radioactive isotope application for socio-economic development; organizing to deploy radiation and radioactive isotope application in the economic technical sectors in the area;

- Managing observation of environmental radioactivity in the area;

- Organizing to implement the relevant technical services of radiation and radioactive isotope application;

b) Radiation and nuclear safety:

- Organizing to implement registration of radiation and nuclear safety as stipulated by the law or assigned, authorized by the provincial people's committee;

- Managing declaration, statistics for radioactive sources, radiation equipment, and radioactive waste in the area as stipulated by the law;

- Organizing to control and handle radiation hazards, nuclear risks in the area;

- Building and integrating the national database of radiation and nuclear safety control in the locality.

12. Science and technology information, statistics

a) Organizing to guide and implement the collection, registration, storage and disclosure of information on scientific and technological tasks in the province;

b) Building and developing scientific and technological information infrastructure; participating in building and developing the national database on science and technology, databases on science and technology of the province;

c) Organizing and implementing the processing, analysis - summarizing and providing scientific and technological information for leadership, management, research, training, production, business and socio-economic development of the province;

d) Directing, guiding, and organizing to implement the basic statistical reporting regime on the province's science and technology; presiding to implement the general statistical reporting regime on science and technology;

e) Conducting statistical surveys on science and technology in the province;

f) Managing, building and developing provincial science and technology sources; joining the Vietnam Library Union on scientific and technological information sources;

g) Organizing technology-equipment fairs, centers, technology information exchanges directly and on the Internet, science and technology fairs, exhibitions; popularizing, publishing publications and providing scientific and technological information;

h) Organizing services on information, libraries, statistics and scientific and technological databases; printing and digitizing; organizing science and technology events.

13. Public service

a) Guiding public service delivery organization to perform public services in the sector of science and technology in the area;

b) Organizing to implement processes, procedures, economic-technical norms for supplies of public services in the sector of science and technology;

c) Guiding, facilitating to support organizations in performance of public services of science and technology as stipulated by the law.

14. Supporting the provincial people's committee to perform State management on science and technology activities for enterprises, collective organizations, private organizations in the area stipulated by the law.

15. Performing international cooperation of science and technology as stipulated by the law and assigned or authorized by the provincial people's committee and Chairman of the provincial People's Committee.

16. Implementing the inspection, examination and solving complaints and denunciations on science and technology as stipulated by the law and assigned or authorized by the provincial people's committee; organizing citizen reception and implementing anti-corruption regulations and thrift practice and waste combat practices; handling as its competence or proposing competent agencies to handle law violations on science and technology as stipulated by the law.

17. Stipulating functions, tasks, rights, organization structure and job relations of the units under the Department according to the guidance of the Ministry of Science and Technology and the regulations of the provincial People's Committee;

18. Managing the organizational structure, payroll of civil servants, the number of people working in public non-business units under the Department; Salary and policy, remuneration, training, retraining, commendation and discipline policies for civil servants, officials and employees under the Department's management in accordance with the law  and as decentralized or authorized by the Provincial People's Committee; organizing professional fostering for officials specialized in scientific and technological management of the Economic Divisions of districts, towns or provincial cities.

19. Guiding and inspecting the activities of associations and non-governmental organizations operating in the field of science and technology within the local jurisdiction as stipulated by the law.

20. Managing and taking responsibility for the Department's finance and assets as stipulated by the law and assigned by the provincial people's committee.

21. Compiling information, making periodical or annual reports on the implementation of assigned tasks with the provincial People's Committees and the Ministry of Science and Technology.

22. Performing other duties assigned by the provincial People's Committee, Chairman of the provincial People's Committee and as prescribed by law.

 (Functions, tasks and powers above issued together with Decision No. 51/2015 / QD-UBND dated November 10, 2015 of the People's Committee of Binh Duong Province)


Floor 11 – Tower A, Provincial Building of Administrative Center;
Telephone: (+84-274) 3.822.924;  
Fax          : (+84-274) 3.824.421; 
Email       : 

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