Provincial Party Commitee
Thứ 6, Ngày 05/11/2021, 09:00
Department of Health
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05/11/2021 | Nguyen Trang


(Mr.) Nguyen Hong Chuong

Position: Director



(Mr.) Quach Trung Nguyen

Position: Deputy Director


(Mrs.) ​Doan Thi Hong Thom

Position: Deputy Director


(Mr.) Huynh Minh Chinh

Position: Deputy Director




Department Secretaria t:  (+84-274) 3.822.639, 3.823.617; 
Department Inspectorate :  (+84-274) 3.823.618;

Labor Union of Health Services :  (+84-274) 3.827.513; 
Division of Planning and General Affairs : (+84-274) 3.823.619; 
Division of Medical Profession :  (+84-274) 3.837.386;

Division of Pharmacy Management : (+84-274) 3.836.073;

Division of Staff Management : (+84-274) 3.825.377;

Division of Finance and Accounting : (+84-274) 3.836.073;
Project Management of Health Services : (+84-274) 3.859.152.


The department advises and assists the provincial People's Committee in state management of caring and protecting people's health, including: preventive medicine; examining and treatment; functional rehabilitation; traditional medicine; preventive and curative medicines for people; cosmetics; food hygiene and safety; medical equipment; population; health insurance (hereinafter referred collectively to as health).


1. Advising the Provincial People's Committee

a) Planning to develop the sector; planning the network of health facilities; long-term, 5-year and annual plans; projects, programs for health development, administrative reform and management decentralization, socialization in the local health sector;

b) Decisions and directives promulgated by the provincial People's Committee on the health sector;

c) Regulations, functions, tasks, rights and organizational structure of Branches under the Department;

d) Regulating title standards for heads and deputy heads of units of the Department; Heads and Deputy Heads of Health Divisions.

2.  Advising the Chairman of the provincial People's Committee

a) Deciding to establish, merge, or dissolve units under the Department of Health and non-business units under the Branch as regulated by law.

b) Decisions and directives promulgated by the provincial People's Committee in the health sector;

c) Programs and solutions for mobilizing and combining interdisciplinary activities in epidemic prevention and control in locality.

3. Instructing, inspecting and implementing legal documents, policies, planning, plans, schemes, programs and other issues on health after being approved; informing, propagating, disseminating and educating laws on the fields under the Department's management.

4. In terms of preventive medicine

a) Deciding on methods to investigate, monitor, detect and handle epidemics, making epidemic reports as provided by law.

b) Guiding, inspecting, supervising and handling violations in the implementation of professional regulations and national technical regulations on prevention and control of infectious diseases; HIV AIDS; social disease; non-communicable disease; occupational diseases, injuries; environmental health, school health, hygiene and occupational health; community nutrition; border medical quarantine; insecticidal and germicidal chemicals and preparations for domestic and medical use in the province;

c) Performing standing tasks in the field of HIV/AIDS prevention and control of the Steering Committee for AIDS prevention and control, drug and prostitution prevention and control in the province; directing, managing, implementing, inspecting and evaluating the performance of HIV/AIDS prevention and control activities in the province.

5. In terms of medical examination and treatment and functional rehabilitation

a) Guiding, inspecting, inspecting and handling violations in the implementation of professional regulations and technical regulations applicable to facilities of medical examination and treatment, functional rehabilitation, plastic surgery, cosmetic surgery, medical examination, forensic examination or mental forensic examination under the regulations, directions from the Ministry of health under decentralization and technical delineation area;

b) Granting, suspending and revoking practice certificates of medical examinations and treatment; certificates of eligibility for professional practice for private medical examination and treatment facilities as provided by law and decentralized.

6. In terms of traditional medicine

a) Performing the inheritance, promotion and combination of traditional and modern medicine in disease prevention, medical examination and treatment, functional rehabilitation, personnel training, scientific research and production of traditional medicine and pharmacy in the locality;

b) Guiding, inspecting, supervising and handling violations in the implementation of the law on traditional medicine and pharmacy in the province;

c) Granting, suspending and revoking practice certificates, certificates of eligibility for private traditional medicine and pharmacy practice in the province as decentralized and regulated by law.

7. In terms of medicine and cosmetics

a) Guiding, inspecting, supervising quality, inspecting and handling violations in the production, business and use of medicines as regulated by law; 

b) Granting, suspending and revoking pharmaceutical practice certificates; certificates of eligibility for medicine business; introducing medicines and cosmetics in the province as regulated by law and as decentralized.

8. In terms of food safety and hygiene

a)  Implementing national standards and technical regulations on food safety and hygiene; inspecting, supervising and handling law violations on food hygiene for organizations and individuals producing and trading food in the province as regulated by law.

b) Certifying to announce food product standards; granting, suspending and revoking certificate of eligibility for food safety for organizations and individuals producing and trading food; receiving and appraising professional content registered for advertising products as decentralized and regulated by law.

9. In terms of medical equipment and facilities

a) Guiding, supervising and evaluating the implementation of legal provisions on equipment and medical facilities;

b) Inspecting, supervising and handling violations in the implementation of professional regulations, processes and regulations on medical equipment as regulated by law and as decentralized.

10. In terms of population - family planning and reproductive health

a) Deploying to implement the system of norms and index in the field of population - family planning; directing and guiding national technical standards, professional processes for reproductive health care and family planning services;

b) Deploying to perform, guide, inspect, supervise and evaluate the implementation of policies, programs, projects, projects and models related to the field of Population - Family Planning and Reproductive Health;

c) Appraising and deciding to permit gender re-identification, give birth according to scientific methods and advisory services for facilities providing advisory service on population and family planning as regulated by law.

11. In terms of Health Insurance

a) Implementing the provisions of the law on health insurance;

b) Inspecting, supervising and handling law violations on health insurance.

12. In terms of training of human resources for health

a) Implementing training and fostering plans for health human resources and policies for development of health human resources in the province;

b) Managing training schools of medical staffs as assigned by the Provincial People's Committee.

13. Assisting the Provincial People's Committee in state management for enterprises, collective economic organizations, private economic organizations and public services in the health sector. Instructing and inspecting activities of organizations and non-governmental organizations in the health sector as regulated by law.

14. Implementing international corporation in health sector as regulated by law.

15. Being responsible for guiding professional skills on the fields under the Department's management for the District, town Health Divisions.

16. Researching and applying scientific and technical advances; building archive information system to serve the state management and professional skills in the assigned fields.

17. Inspecting, supervising, handling violations and settling complaints and denunciations in the health domain as regulated by law; preventing and fighting against corruption, practicing thrift and combating wastefulness.

18. Stipulating functions, tasks, rights, organizational structure, working relationships of organizations and non-business units under the Department; managing personnel, implementing regimes of salary and policies, remuneration, training, fostering, commendation and discipline for cadres, civil servants and officials under the Department's management as stipulated by law and decentralized by Provincial People's Committee.

19. Managing allocated finance and assets in the health network from province to district, town and health stations, regional polyclinics as stipulated by law and assigned and decentralize by the provincial People's Committee.

20. Periodically and unscheduledly informing and reporting the performance of tasks as stipulated by the provincial People's Committee and Ministry of Health.

21. Performing a number of other tasks assigned by the Provincial People's Committee and as stipulated by law.


1. The Department acts as the legal entity with its own seal and is allowed to open an account at the State Treasury.

2. Promulgating documents to guide and inspect activities in the health sector for health facilities operating in the province as stipulated by law, the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism and as decentralized by the provincial People's Committee.

3. Deciding under its competence to implement regimes and policies for cadres and civil servants under its authority according to the management decentralization of provincial cadres and as regulated by the State on cadre work.

4. Promulgating internal working regulations on the basis of functions, tasks, rights and organizational structure issued by the provincial People's Committee.

(Functions, tasks and powers above issued together with Decision no. 33/2008/QD-UBND dated August 7, 2008 of Binh Duong Provincial People's Committee)


Floor 15 – Tower A, Provincial Building of Administrative Center, Le Loi Street, Hoa Phu Ward, Thu Dau Mot City, Binh Duong Province;
Telephone: (+84-274) 3.822.639; 
Fax          : (+84-274) 3.825.156;
Email       :

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