Provincial Party Commitee
Thứ 6, Ngày 11/09/2020, 10:00
Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism
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11/09/2020 | Nguyen Trang


(Mr.) Nguyen Khoa Hai

Position: Director


(Mr.) Le Van Thai

Position: Deputy Director


(Mr.) Nguyen Thanh Phong

Position: Deputy Director



(Mr.) Cao Van Chong

Position: Deputy Director



Department Secretariat: (+84-274) 3.822.403; 

Division of Cultural and Family Life Construction: (+84-274) 3.822.937; 
Division of Sports Profession: (+84-274) 3.825.227;

Division of Tourism Management : (+84-274) 3.835.045;

Division of Planning – Finance : (+84-274) 3.823.513;

Department Inspectorate: (+84-274) 3.821.658; 
Division of Staff Management: (+84-274) 3.811.419;

Division of Cultural Affairs: (+84-274) 3.822.937; 
Board of Project Management: (+84-274) 3.823.513.



The department advises and assists the provincial People's Committee in performing the state management of: culture, family, physical training, sport, tourism and advertising (except ads in newspapers, computer information networks and publications), public services under the Department's management and implementing some tasks and rights as authorized by the Provincial People's Committee and as regulated by law.


1. Advising the Provincial People's Committee

a)  Decisions and directives; long-term, five-year and annual planning and plans; schemes, projects and programs on cultural, family, physical training, sports and tourism development; programs and measures to perform state administrative reform tasks; decentralize management and socialize in the fields of culture, family, physical training, sports and tourism in the locality;

b) Legal documents specify title standards for Heads, Deputy Heads of organizations and units under the Department; Heads, Deputy Heads of Division of Culture and Information under the District, Town People's Committees, after coordinating and agreeing with the Department of Information and Communications.

2. Advising the Chairman of the provincial People's Committee

a) Decisions and directives under promulgating authority of the Chairman of the provincial People's Committee on culture, family, physical training, sports and tourism;

b) Decision on establishment, merger, dissolution of units under the Department and specialized Councils in culture, family, physical training, sports and tourism as regulated by law.

3. Guiding, inspecting and implementing legal documents, policies, planning, plans, schemes, projects and programs after being approved; informing, propagandizing, disseminating and educating laws on fields under the Department's management.

4. In terms of cultural heritage

a) Implementing regulations and solutions to mobilize, manage and use resources to protect and promote the value of local cultural heritage after being approved;

b) Guiding and implementing projects on preservation, restoration and restoration of relics under the locality's management after being approved;

c) Investigating, discovering, making statistics, classifying and documenting intangible cultural heritage in the province;

d) Guiding procedures and granting licenses to research and collect intangible cultural heritage in the province for foreign organizations and individuals and Vietnamese residing abroad;

e) Inventorying, classifying and documenting on ranking of cultural and historical relics and landscapes in the province;

f) Appraising projects to renovate and construct works outside the provincial-level relics protection areas likely to affect the landscapes and environment of the relics;

g) Organizing the collection and preservation of relics, antiques and national treasures handed over and seized by organizations and individuals in the locality as provided by law;

h) Registering and managing national relics, antiques and treasures within the province; granting licenses to make copies of national relics, antiques, treasures belonging to provincial museums and private ownership.

i) Managing and guiding the organization of activities of preserving and promoting the values of cultural heritage and traditional festivals, beliefs associated with local historical relics and figures.

5. In terms of performing arts

a) Guiding and performing plan to arrange and organize the performing arts units under local management in accordance with the planning of the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism in the development of performing arts sector;

b) Implementing regulations on organizing festivals, contests, shows on performing arts organized by the locality in the province;

c) Appraising and granting licenses to perform the shows, repertoires, plays; fashion shows in the country and with foreign elements for the subjects:

- Professional performing arts units, units organizing local performing arts and fashion shows;

- Socio-economic organizations, when organizing professional art performances without selling tickets at restaurants and discotheques;

 - State agencies, economic, political, cultural and social organizations that do not have the function of organizing art performances and wish to organize professional art performances with revenues for the purpose of serving social and charitable work in the locality.

 - Foreign economic, political, cultural and social organizations, international organizations legally operating on the Vietnamese territory headquartered in the locality.

d) Allowing local art troupes and actors under local management to go abroad to perform, foreign art troupes and actors to perform arts in the locality; granting licenses to organize beauty contests in the locality after being approved by competent authorities;

e) Implementing to grant practice cards to professional artists and performers as decentralized by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism;

f) Implementing the regulations managing the production and distribution of music tapes, discs and plays.

6. In terms of cinema

a) Implementing the plan of using the state budget to ensure funding for film screenings in cinemas and mobile film screenings serving political, social and external tasks, serving children and ethnic minority people in remote areas and armed forces;

b) Performing standing tasks of Literary Script Evaluation Council for film production ordered from the state budget, the provincial Film Evaluation Council as regulated by law on cinema.

c) Granting and revoking licenses for dissemination of reportage films, documentary films, scientific films and cartoons produced or imported by local cinematographic establishments.

d) Granting and revoking licenses for dissemination of feature films produced or imported by local cinematographic establishments as regulated by law on cinema;

e) Inspecting the dissemination of films in theaters, mobile films and films broadcast on other media at places of cultural activities, public recreation and entertainment;

f) Guiding to implement and inspecting the implementation of the regulations on trading film tapes and discs and other film activities in the locality;

7. In terms of fine arts, photography, exhibition

a) Performing standing tasks as Art council of statues, monumental pictures of provincial level as regulations of building statues, monumental pictures of Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism;

b) Implementing activities of fine arts, photography, exhibitions with provincial-level scale;

c) Granting, revoking, adjusting licenses, inspecting and guiding activities of art exhibition, picture exhibition, installation arts, performance of types of contemporary art and other exhibitions under the management scale of culture, sports and tourism agency; organizing art photo contests, photography festivals; managing reproduction of artworks in the locality under the regulations issued by Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism;

d) Verifying, granting licenses expressing arts part for construction or renovation, restoration projects of statues, monumental pictures, and works related to religion in the province as authorized by the Chairman of the provincial People's Committee and decentralized by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism.

8. In terms of copyright, rights related to literary and artistic works:

a) Implementing methods of protecting legal rights of State, organizations and individuals in the field of  the copyright, rights related to literary and artistic works in province as stipulated by law;

b) Implementing and guiding, inspecting the execution of regulations on the provision, cooperation, ordering, use and guarantee of copyright for the work, rights related to the performance, audio recording, image recording, broadcast programs and royalty regime, remuneration for authors, copyright owners, relevant rights;

c) Verifying copyright, related rights when there is a dispute at the request of a competent organization, individual or state agency.

9. In terms of library

a) Presiding, combining with Department of Information and Communications to hand over publications stored at locality to provincial library as regulated;

b) Guiding the registration of library activities in the province as regulated by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism; the registration of activities for provincial Library;

c) Guiding libraries in the province to develop regulation on organization and operation on the basis of model regulations of the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism.

10. In terms of advertisement

a) Verifying documents of granting, modifying, supplementing, revoking licenses for establishment of representative offices of foreign organizations and individuals providing advertising services which are located in the province to submit to competent authorities for approval;

b) Granting, modifying, supplementing, revoking licenses of advertisement in board, plate, panel, banner, screen placed in public, luminous objects, objects in the air and water, transportation means, other moving objects and similar forms hung, placed, sticked, erected outdoors or in public places in the province;

c) Supervising, inspecting, and handling law violations according to its competence on advertisement operation in the advertising media (except for ads on newspaper, computer information networks and publications).

11. In terms of public and national culture, propaganda

a) Guiding, implementing the planning on grassroots cultural institutions in the locality after being approved by the Provincial People's Committee;

b) Guiding to develop regulations on organization and operation of grassroots cultural institutions in the province, basing on model regulations of the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism;

c) Guiding to organize festivals; implementing civilized lifestyle in weddings, mourning; developing cultural families, villages, authorities, units in the province;

d) Presiding, combining with departments, committees, agencies, unions to direct and guiding movement: "All people unite to build a cultural life"; performing standing tasks of Steering Committee of the movement "All people unite to build a cultural life";

e) Implementing and inspecting the implementation of policies on national culture, conserving, promoting and developing tangible and intangible cultural values of ethnic communities residing in the province;

f) Guiding and implementing plan of propaganda activities to serve the political, economic, cultural and social tasks and planning visual propagation system in the province;

g) Holding contests, public art festivals, competition of propaganda arts, propaganda panels and posters, providing propaganda documents, propaganda arts for the politic, economic, cultural and social tasks in the province;

h) Guiding and inspecting the implementation of regulation on managing karaoke, discotheques, regulations on organizing parties, contests, public art festivals and other cultural activities in the locality;

i) Managing composition and popularization of literary works as stipulated by law.

12. In terms of families

a) Implementing and inspecting the execution of the legal regulations on families, ensuring the equal right and fighting against violence in families;

b) Propagandizing, educating moral values, lifestyle, behavior in the Vietnamese families;

c) Collecting, storing information about families.

13. In terms of physical training, sports for people

a) Guiding and implementing planning and plans to develop physical training and sport for people in the locality after being approved;

b) Developing and implementing the plans training team of guides, freelancers, physical training and sport referees after being approved by Chairman of the provincial People's Committee;

c) Presiding, combining with the professional social associations of sports, mobilizing the people to develop physical training and sport movements; popularizing, guiding to exercise gym, sports suitable for interests, age, gender, occupation;

d) Developing system of tournament system, competition plan and directing, guiding to hold the provincial sports competitions for the people;

e) Assisting the provincial People's committee in State management for sport and entertainment activities in entertainment places, tourist areas, sites of tourism, culture and sport areas in the province;

f) Presiding, combining with concerned organizations and agencies to facilitate and guide the elderly, the disabled, children, teenagers and other people to participate in physical training and sports activities;

g) Guiding to practice, perform and compete national sports, traditional methods of health training;;

h) Guiding, inspecting the recognition of sports families in the province;

i) Combining with the Department of Education and Training, the Provincial Military Command, the Provincial Public Security, and the Border Defense Force to implement physical education and sports in schools and physical training and sports in the armed forces in the locality.

14. In terms of high performance sports and professional sports

a) Implementing plans on recruitment, training and coaching of athletes; plans for competition of provincial sports teams after being approved by competent authorities;

b) Implementing the provincial Physical Training and Sports Festival and national, regional and international competitions after being assigned and approved by competent authorities;

c) Implementing specific regimes for provincial coaches, referees and athletes in activities of physical training and sports competitions after being approved by competent authorities and as prescribed by law;

d) Inspecting business conditions for professional sports clubs and enterprises trading sport activities; granting certificates of eligibility for trading sports activities to professional sports clubs and enterprises trading sport activities as decentralized by the provincial People's Committee and as prescribed by law;

e) Implementing the decision on ranking for athletes, coaches and referees under the management of the Department.

15. In terms of tourism

a) Publishing the planning after being approved;

b) Implementing to investigate, evaluate, categorize and build a database of tourism resources of the province under the Regulation of the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism;

c) Implementing methods to protect, embellish, exploit, suitably use and develop tourism resources, tourism environment, tourist resorts and tourist destination of the province;

d) Documenting to propose the recognition of a local tourism area, a local tourist destination and a local tourist route; announcing after there is a recognition decision;

e) Granting, amending, supplementing, re-granting, extending, revoking licenses for establishment of representative offices of foreign tourism enterprises located in the province as regulated by law and as decentralized and authorized by Provincial People's Committee;

f) Appraising proposal for competent authorities to grant international travel business licenses of enterprises in the province as prescribed by law;

g) Deciding to rank 1 star, 2 star class for hotels, tourist villages, class satisfying standards for trading villas, tourist apartments; class satisfying standards for trading accommodation for camping grounds, tourist hostels, houses with rooms for tourists to rent, other tourist accommodation establishments;

h) Appraising and granting signboards satisfying standards serving tourists for establishments trading tourist service in tourist resorts, tourist destinations and tourist cities;

i) Granting, re-granting, exchanging and revoking tour guide cards; granting and revoking certificates of speakers as prescribed by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism;

j) Developing plans and programs of tourism promotion and implementing programs for promotion of local tourism, events, fairs, seminars and exhibitions after being approved.

16. Presiding or combining with concerned agencies to implement methods for preventing, fighting against illegal activities on culture, family, physical training, sports and tourism.

17. Appraising, participating in the appraisal of investment and development projects related to culture, physical training, sports and tourism in the province.

18. Assisting the provincial People's Committee in state management for enterprises, collective economic organizations, private economic organizations; guiding and inspecting activities in the fields of culture, family, physical training, sports and tourism for associations and non-governmental organizations as stipulated by law.

19. Guiding and inspecting the implementation of autonomy mechanism, self-responsibility of public non-business units in culture, sports and tourism as stipulated by law.

20. Advising the provincial People's Committee on the organization of provincial-scale cultural, sports and tourism festivals.

21. Implementing international cooperation in the fields of culture, family, physical training, sports and tourism as stipulated by law and assigned by the provincial People's Committee.

22. Providing professional guidance on culture, family, physical training, sports and tourism for the Culture and Information Divisions of the district and town People's Committees.

23. Researching and applying scientific and technological advances; building archive information system serving the state management and professional skills of the Department.

24. Inspecting, supervising and solving complaints and denunciations, preventing and combating corruption and handling law violations on culture, family, physical training, sports and tourism as stipulated by law or assigned by the Provincial People's Committee.

25. Training, fostering and coaching talents in culture, art, physical training and sports; training and fostering professional skills for cadres, civil servants and officials in the fields of culture, family, physical training, sports and tourism in the province.

26. Stipulating the Functions, tasks and powers of the Offices, the inspectors, the professional sections and public non-business units under the Department; managing personnel, implementing regime of salary and policies, regime of remuneration, commendation and discipline for cadres, civil servants and officials under the Department's management as stipulated by law and assigned by Provincial People's Committee.

27. Managing finance and assets as assigned and implementing the allocated budget as stipulated by law and assigned by Provincial People's Committee.

28. Periodically and unscheduledly informing and reporting the performance of assigned tasks as stipulated by the provincial People's Committee and Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism.

29. Performing other tasks assigned by the Provincial People's Committee and as stipulated by law.


1. The Department acts as the legal entity with its own seal and is allowed to open an account at the State Treasury.

2. Promulgating guidance documents and inspecting activities in the field of management as stipulated by law, the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism and as decentralized by the provincial People's Committee. 

3. Deciding by authority to implement regimes and policies for cadres and civil servants under the authority according to the management decentralization of provincial cadres and as regulated by the State on cadre work.

4. Promulgating the Operation regulations within internal agency on the basis of functions, tasks, rights and organizational structure promulgated by the provincial People's Committee.

(Functions, tasks and powers above issued together with Decision no. 52/2008/QD-UBND dated September 29, 2008 of Binh Duong Provincial People's Committee)


Floor 12B – Tower A, Provincial Building of Administrative Center, Le Loi Street, Hoa Phu Ward, Thu Dau Mot City, Binh Duong Province

Telephone: (+84-274) 3.822.403; 
Fax          : (+84-274) 3.832.801;


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