Provincial Party Commitee
Thứ 4, Ngày 13/01/2021, 15:00
Department of Education and Training
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13/01/2021 | Nguyen Trang


(Mrs.) Nguyen Thi Nhat Hang
Position: Director


(Mr.) Nguyen Van Phong
Position: Deputy Director

(Mrs.) Truong Hai Thanh

Position: Deputy Director




1. Secretariat                          

- Telephone              : (+84-274) 3.822.375;

- E-mail                     :,


2. Inspectorate

- Telephone              : (+84-274) 3.824.447;

- E-mail                    :


3. Division of Preschool Education

Telephone              :(+84-274) 3.825.789;

- E-mail          ;

- Website                 :


4. Division of Elementary School Education

- Telephone              : (+84-274) 3.821.236;

- E-mail                    :;

 -Website                 :


 5. Division of High School Education

- Telephone              : (+84-274) 3.824.448;

- E-mail                     :;

- Website                  :


 6. Division of Continual Education

- Telephone               :(+84-274) 3.840.306;

- E-mail                     :;

- Website                  :


7. Division of Professional University Education

- Telephone              : (+84-274) 3.825.791;

- E-mail                    :;

- Website                 :


8. Division of Student Affairs

Telephone              : (+84-274) 3.837.809;

- E-mail                    :;

- Website                 :


9. Division of Testing and Education Quality Management

- Telephone              : (+84-274) 3.821.921;

- E-mail                    :;

- Website                 :


10. Division of Library, Equipment and Information Technology

- Telephone               : (+84-274) 3.898.644;

- E-mail                     :


 11. Division of Senior Staff Management

- Telephone               : (+84-274) 3.825.790;

- E-mail                     :


12. Division of Planning and Finance

- Telephone               : (+84-274)  3.824.446;

- E-mail                      :



Department of Education and Training acts as an professional agency which counsels and supports the provincial people's committee to perform State management of education and training, including: targets, programs, contents of education and training, standards of teachers and standards of educational heads; standards of material facilities, equipment in schools and children's toys; examination rules and degree and certificate issuance; public services under the Department's state management in accordance with the law.


1. Counseling the Provincial People's Committee

1.1 Drafting the decisions, directives and other documents under the competent issuance of the Provincial People's Committee on education and training.

1.2 Drafting the five-year and annual plannings, plans, programs and projects on education and training, methods to organize and perform the State administrative reform tasks concerning with education and training sector within jurisdiction of the provincial for educational development.

1.3 Drafting specific tuition rate fees for the educational establishments within management of the locality so that they are submitted to the provincial people's council by the provincial people's committee for decision as stipulated by the law.

1.4 Drafting regulations of title standards for heads, vice heads of units under management of Department of Education and Training, Education and Training Division under management of the district-level people's committee.

2. Counseling Chairman of the provincial People's Committee.

2.1 Drafting decisions of establishment, merging, separation, dissolution, changing types of educational units, dissolution of public educational institutions under the Department; establishment under license, suspension and dissolution of non-public educational establishments under the Department's management according to the provisions of law.

2.2 Drafting regulations on work relation between Department of Education and Training and the relevant departments and the district-level people's committee;

2.3 Drafting decisions on recognition of preschools and high schools meeting the national standards according to the regulations on national standard schools promulgated by the Ministry of Education and Training.

2.4 Other specific decisions and directives under the competent issuance of the Chairman of the provincial People's Committee.

3. Counseling and organizing to implement the legal documents, policies, plannings, plans, schemes, programs and other contents on education and training after approval; organizing to inform, propagate and disseminate legal education on education and training under the Department's management.

4. Providing professional guidance for units under the Department of Education and Training on implementing the objectives, programs, contents, plans and other educational and training activities as prescribed of the law and the Ministry of Education and Training.

5. Managing the enrollment, examination, approval, granting of diplomas and certificates based on the regulations of the Ministry of Education and Training; guiding, inspecting and inspecting the quality management of education and training for local education and training establishments.

6. Guiding and organizing to implement the education universalization in the province under the guidance of the Ministry of Education and Training and the provisions of law.

7. Formulating plans on training and retraining teachers and educational management officials of various disciplines and grades within the province's management; guide and organize the implementation of plans on training and retraining of contingent of teachers and educational administrators after being approved by competent authorities.

8. Organizing to apply advanced scientific and technological experiences and achievements in education; summarizing experiences and initiatives of locality; managing scientific - technological research work in educational establishments under the management of Department; building information and archival systems to serve the state management and the assigned expertise.

9. Counseling, checking, inspecting and organizing to perform emulation and commendation for educational and training establishments in the locality; building and replicating the advanced examples of education and training in the province.

10. Counseling and organizing to implement the mechanisms and policies on educational socialization; mobilizing, managing and using the resources to develop the education in the area.

11. Assisting the Provincial People's Committee in performing the state management of businesses, collective and private economic organizations related to the local education sector; counseling and inspecting the activities of non-governmental organizations and associations on education in localities according to the provisions of law.

12. Performing the function of State management on education and training for colleges, professional secondary schools, public and non-public foreign language - informatics centers in the locality.

13. Presiding, combining with the relevant agencies in appraising conditions and criteria for submission to competent authorities for grant and revocation of establishment and operation licenses for educational institutions involving investment of foreign organizations and individuals; counseling, checking and inspecting the operation of these educational institutions according to the provisions of law.

14. Granting and revoking the operation registration of service organizations that are in charge of  backpacking tourism abroad at the general, intermediate, college and university levels under the Department's state management; inspecting its activities in accordance with the regulations of the Ministry of Education and Training and the law; collecting and summing up the statistics of people who go to study and research abroad under the state management scope of the Department in the province, reporting to the competent agencies as prescribed.

15. Performing international cooperation tasks on education and training as decentralized by the provincial People's Committee and the provisions of law.

16. Counseling, checking and inspecting the implementation of the mechanism of autonomy and self-responsibility in terms of tasks, organization, personnel and finance of the non-business education and training units under the Department according to the assigned management of the provincial People's Committee and the law.

17.  Developing and summarizing the annual staffing plans for education and training of the locality; allocating public education payroll targets to the units under the Department after they are approved by competent authorities; counseling, checking, inspecting and organizing the recruitment of annual education service officers in area of the province according to the provisions of law.

18. Presiding, combining with Department of Finance, Department of Planning and Investment in building and making annual estimates of educational budget including: budget for recurrent expenditure, budget for capital construction, budget for purchasing school equipment, children's toys, national target program submitting to competent authorities for approval; allocating and balancing estimates of budget expenditures assigned to education; counseling and inspecting the implementation.

19. Checking, inspecting and handling violations according to their competence in implementing the policies, laws, plannings, plans, programs, schemes and regulations of competent authorities on education and training; solving complaints, denunciations and recommendations of citizens related to education under the jurisdiction of the Department; practicing thrift, fighting against corruption and waste in accordance with the decentralization of the provincial People's Committee and the provisions of law.

20. In cases of necessity to help education and training development in localities, Director of the Department of Education and Training may decide to mobilize officials and teachers of the branch after being accepted by competent authorities.

21. Managing assigned finance, assets, facilities and organizing to implement the allocated budget according to the decentralization of the provincial People's Committee and the provisions of law.

22Regular and irregular reports on performing the tasks assigned to the Provincial People's Committee and the Ministry of Education and Training.

23. Performing other duties assigned by the Provincial People's Committee or as prescribed by law.


1. The Department of Education and Training acts as the legal entity with its own seal, funds for its operation and is allowed to open an account at the State Treasury.

2. It has the right to promulgate guiding documents and inspect activities on education and training management of educational and training establishments in the area of province, districts and towns in accordance with law, of the Ministry of Education and Training and as decentralization of the Provincial People's Committee.

3. It has the right to deciding competence in implementing policies and regimes for cadres and civil servants under their authority according to the decentralized management of cadres of the province and according to the State's regulations on personnel work.

4. Defining the functions, tasks and powers of offices, inspectors, professional bureaus and tasks and powers of non-business units under the Department; managing staff, civil servants and employees of the Department of Education and Training and its subordinate units; deciding on the appointment, dismissal, resignation and dismissal of the head and deputy heads of the organizations under the Department according to the decentralization of the province; accepting, not accepting or changing the Board of Directors or the Principal of a private educational institution in accordance with the law; implementing the recruitment, labor contracts, mobilization, rotation and other regimes, policies on remuneration, commendation and discipline for officials, public servants and employees of the Department in accordance with the law.

 (Issued together with Decision No. 19/2009/QD-UBND dated April 16, 2009 of the People's Committee of Binh Duong province)


Floor 10,  Tower A, Provincial Building of Administrative Center, Le Loi Street, Hoa Phu Ward, Thu Dau Mot City, Binh Duong Province;   

Telephone: (+84-274) 3 825 793; 
Email       :

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