Provincial Party Commitee
Thứ 6, Ngày 11/09/2020, 10:00
Department of Foreign Affairs
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11/09/2020 | Nguyen Trang



(Mrs.): Ha Thanh

Position: Director


(Mr.): Vo Thanh Nhan

Position: Deputy Director



Department Secretariat:  (+84-274) 3. 824.805​

Division of International Cooperation

Division of Consulate- Inspectorate​


Department of Foreign Affairs acts as the professional agency, which counsels and supports the provincial People's Committee in State management of foreign affairs and performs several duties and rights as authorized by the provincial people's committee and as stipulated by the law.



1. Submitting Provincial people's committee for approval of the general long-term, annual plans on foreign affairs, programs, projects within management of the Department in convenience with the socio-economic development strategies of the province.

2. Supporting the provincial people's committee to build the annual foreign affair programs so as to report to Ministry of Foreign Affairs and total up to submit to Prime Minister for approval;

3.  Submitting the provincial people's committee to enforce decisions, directions, documents, which will assign, arrange on State management of foreign affairs in area of the province and responsible for contents of those documents.

4. Organizing to perform legal normative acts related to the province's foreign affairs, the approved general plans of foreign affairs; communicating, propagandizing, popularizing, educating fields within management of the department.

5.  Organizing and managing in-delegations and out-delegations:

a) Supporting the provincial people's committee to unify management of in-delegations and out-delegations;

b) Organizing and welcoming the international delegations, who come to visit and work with the provincial people's committee

c) Organizing abroad working delegations of leaders of the provincial committee of the Party;

d) Coordinating the management and guiding departments, agencies and People's Committees of districts and towns in welcoming and working with foreign organizations and individuals to attend seminars and talks, negotiating, signing aid projects, business cooperation or sightseeing, studying, researching, etc. in the locality;

e) supporting the provincial people's committee to monitor, manage the abroad working delegations of officers, civil servants within its management; checking the passport management of cadres and civil servants according to the regulations of the provincial People's Committee.

6.  Consular task

a) Combining with departments, committees, branches and related agencies to perform exit and entering of Vietnamese persons and foreign persons in area of the province;

b) Combining with the related agencies to handle sensitive, complicated matters occurred in consular tasks in the province;

c) Guiding and combining to manage operations of foreign individuals and organizations concerned with relations, assets, travelling, living, learning, mission, tourism, businesses, investments in area of the province in compliance with the regulations of Vietnamese law.

7.  Working with non-government organizations and foreign individuals:

a) Combining with the related agencies, supporting the provincial people's committee to manage operations of non-government organizations and foreign individuals in the locality as stipulated by the law;

b) Receiving and performing humanity projects of non-government organizations and foreign individuals as stipulated by the law.

c) Organizing, guiding the management and use of humanitarian aid sources as the State's regulations and agreements between foreign parties and partners of the province to ensure the right purpose and high efficiency. .

8.  Foreign economic operation:

a) Supporting the provincial people's committee to build foreign affair programs of action for economic development of the province;

b) Combining with the related agencies to select, assess foreign partners coming to cooperate, invest into production, business and services in the province as assigned by the provincial people's committee;

c) Attending commercial promotions, tourism, building investment environment in convenience with the features of the province.

d) Coordinating on research, proposing and implementing the guidelines and plans to expand the province's foreign relations and international cooperation with other countries, territories, international organizations, and diplomatic representative agencies and non-governmental organizations.

9.  Oversea Vietnamese persons:

a) Supporting the provincial people's committee to research, assess performance of policies on oversea Vietnamese persons in the locality as guided by Ministry of Foreign Affairs (State Committee For Overseas Vietnamese);

b) Combining with departments, committees, branches of the province in support, guidance, communication, propaganda, movement and performance of policies on oversea Vietnamese persons and their relations;

10. Organizing conferences, seminars, contracting and performing international agreements.

a) Supporting the provincial people's committee to unify and manage conferences, seminars, contracting and performing international agreements as stipulated by the law; reporting and asking the upper level authority opinions in case of occurred matters related to foreign affairs and politics.

b) Supporting the provincial People's Committee to monitor and promote the implementation of cooperation agreements signed with foreign countries.

11. Coordinating and supporting departments, committees, branches of the central authorities and People's Committees of districts and towns in the province to perform foreign operation in area of the province as required.

12. Combining with the related departments, committees and branches in collection, analysis, information synthesis related to politic situation, security, economics in the world and region affecting the province and proposing the provincial people's committee to make direction and solutions for performance.

13. Performing administrative reform programs in accordance with targets and contents as approved by the provincial people's committee.

14. Specifying functions, duties, rights of specialized divisions and public service delivery units of the Department, managing personnel, organization, deploying salary regulations and policies, treatment regulations, training, improvement, commendation and award, discipline for officers, civil servants, officials belonging to State management of the Department and assigned by the provincial people's committee; organizing trainings and improving professional skill and knowledge of foreign affairs for team of the State officers, civil servants, officials in charge of foreign affairs of the province. 

15. Periodically and unexpectedly totaling up, reporting performance of the provincial assigned foreign affairs to the provincial people's committee and Ministry of Foreign Affairs as stipulated by the law.

16. Performing inspection, solving complaints, petitions, fight against corruptions, negative actions and handling violations to the law on foreign affairs within jurisdiction of the Department as stipulated by the law.

17. Managing the assigned finance and assets, organizing to perform the allocated budget in accordance with the law and assigned by the provincial people's committee

18. Performing other duties as assigned by the Provincial People's Committee in accordance with the legal regulations.

 (Functions, tasks and powers above issued together with Decision No. 119/2007 / QD-UBND dated December 3, 2007 of the People's Committee of Binh Duong Province)​


Floor19 – Towr A, Provincial Building of Administrative Center, Le Loi Street, Hoa Phu Ward, Thu Dau Mot City, Binh Duong Province

Telephone  : (+84-274) 3. 824.805; 
Fax            : (+84-274) 3. 820.260; 
Email         :

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