Provincial Party Commitee
Thứ 4, Ngày 12/08/2020, 14:38
Department of Home Affairs
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12/08/2020 | Nguyen Trang


(Mr.) Nguyen Van Minh

Position: Director


(Mr.) Ly Van Dep

Position: Deputy Director



(Mr.) Pham Thanh Nhan

Position: Deputy Director



(Mr.) Tran Duc Thinh

Position: Deputy Director, Head of Provincial Religious Affairs




Department Secretariat   :  (+84-274) 3822.335

Division of Inspection Staff Training :  (+84-274) 3821.324
Division of Officers and Cadres :  (+84-274) 3828.944
Division of Organization  :  (+84-274) 3837.861
Division of Authority Construction  :  (+84-274) 3821.325
General Administration   :   (+84-274) 3828.946 (Telephone + fax)




Floor 18 – Tower A, Provincial Building of Administrative Center, Le Loi Street, Hoa Phu Ward, Thu Dau Mot City, Binh Duong Province; 
Telephone: (+84-274) 3822.335;
Fax: (+84-274) 3828.946;



Department of Home Affairs advises and assists the provincial People's Committee in performing the function of state management on home affairs, including: organization of apparatus; personnel of the State administrative and non-business agencies; administrative innovation; authorities at all levels; administrative border; State cadres, civil servants and officials, cadres, civil servants and officials of commune, ward, district; association organization, non-governmental organization; state archives affairs; religion; emulation and commendation.




1. Submitting to the provincial People's Committee draft decisions, directives, planning, long-term, 5-year, annual plans and schemes, projects and programs under the state management of the Department in the province.


2. Implementing approved legal documents, planning, plans, schemes, projects and programs; informing, propagandizing, instructing, popularizing, and educating the laws on the fields under its assigned state management.


3. In terms of organization of apparatus

a) Submitting to the provincial People's Committee to decide decentralization of management of apparatus organization for specialized agencies, non-business units of provincial People's Committee and district People's Committees;

b) Appraising and submitting to the Provincial People's Committee the regulations on functions, tasks, rights, organizational structure of specialized agencies, branches of the specialized agencies and state non-business units under the provincial People's Committees; scheme on establishment, merger and dissolution of state non-business units under the provincial People's Committees for the provincial People's Committee to decide as regulated;

c) Appraising and submitting to the Chairman of the provincial People's Committee the decision on the establishment, dissolution and merger of interdisciplinary coordination organizations as stipulated by law.

d) Advising and assisting the provincial People's Committee in building proposal for establishment, merger, dissolution of specialized agencies under the provincial People's Committee and district People's Committees as stipulated by law for the provincial People's Committee submit to the Provincial People's Council to decide under its competence;

đ) Combining with specialized agencies under the provincial People's Committee to guide the district People's Committees in defining the functions, tasks, rights and organizational structure of specialized divisions and non-business units under the district People's Committees.

e) Presiding, combining with relevant functional agencies of the province to guide, monitor, inspect the classification and rating of administrative agencies, state non-business units as regulated by law.

4. In terms of management, use of administrative and non-business personnel:

a) Building, reporting the provincial People's Committee the provincial plans of personnel for the provincial People's Committee to decide the total non-business personnel and approve total provincial administrative personnel before submitting to competent authorities for decision. 

b) Submitting to the provincial People's Committee the decision on assigning norms of state administrative and non-business personnel; 

c) Guiding, managing, using personnel for specialized agencies under provincial People's Committee, district People's Committees and state non-business units as regulated by law.


5. In terms of government organization at all levels of the province

a) Guiding to organize and operate the apparatus of local government at all levels in the province. 

b) Organizing and guiding the election of deputies to the People's Councils at all levels; combining with concerned agencies to organize and guide the election of deputies to the provincial National Assembly as regulated by law; summing up election results of deputies to People's Councils of all levels;

c) Appraising and submitting to the provincial People's Committee to approve the election results of the Chairman, Vice Chairman and other members of the district People's Committee. Supporting the Provincial People's Council and People's Committee to submit to the Standing Committee of the National Assembly and the Prime Minister to approve election titles as regulated by law;

d) Advising and assisting the provincial People's Council and People's Committee in training and fostering People's Council deputies and People's Committee members at all levels; making statistics on the quantity and quality of People's Council deputies and People's Committee members at all levels to synthesize, report as regulated.


6. In terms of administrative boundary and classification of administrative units

a) Monitoring and managing the administrative boundary in the province as provided by law and guided by the Ministry of Home Affairs; preparing projects and procedures related to the establishment, merger, division, demarcation, renaming of administrative units and upgrading of urban centers in the province for submission to competent authorities to consider and decide; guiding and implementing after having approval decision of competent authorities. Supporting the Chairman of provincial People's Committee to perform, guide, approve the classification of administrative units at all levels as regulated by law; 

b) Synthesizing and managing documents, boundary maps, landmarks, administrative boundaries of the province as guided and regulated by the Ministry of Home Affairs; 

c) Guiding and inspecting the activities of quarters, villages, hamlets, self-managed residential groups as regulated by law and the Ministry of Home Affairs.


7. Guiding, inspecting and synthesizing to report the implementation of democracy regulations in communes, wards and towns and administrative agencies, state non-business units in the province as regulated by law.


8. In terms of cadres, civil servants, officials 

a) Assisting the Provincial People's Committee in state management of staff of state cadres, civil servants and officials; commune carders, civil servants;

b) Advising and submitting to the provincial People's Committee to promulgate documents on recruitment, management, use, training, fostering and implement regimes and policies for state cadres, civil servants and official, commune carders, civil servants as regulated by law;

c) Unifying to manage and perform the plans on training and fostering cadres, civil servants and officials domestically and internationally when being approved by the provincial People's Committees. Guiding, inspecting the recruitment, management, use and implementation of policies and regimes for cadres, civil servants and officials in the province; 

d) Submitting to the Chairman of the provincial People's Committee to decide or decide under his/her competence to recruit, evaluate, mobilize, appoint, re-appoint, rotate, commendation, discipline and other regimes and policies for state cadres, civil servants and officials managed by the provincial People's Committee.

đ) Guiding and inspecting the implementation of the regulations on title standard and structure of State cadres, civil servants and officials; recruiting, managing and employing state civil servants and officials; commune cadres and civil servants as regulated by law and the Ministry of Home Affairs; the decentralization of document management of cadres, civil servants and officials is applied by regulations of law.


9. In terms of administrative reform

a) Submitting to the provincial People's Committee the decision to assign specialized agencies under the provincial People's Committee to be in charge of the contents and tasks of administrative reform, including: reforming institution, reforming administrative apparatus organization, building and developing the staff of cadres and civil servants, reforming public finance and modernizing the administration; monitoring, urging and inspecting the implementation according to the decision of the provincial People's Committee;

b) Submitting to the People's Committees and Chairman of the provincial People's Committee the decision on policies and methods to strengthen administrative reform, improving the effectiveness and efficiency of state administrative agencies in the province; presiding, combining with central vertical agencies in the province to implement administrative reform;

c) Guiding, urging and inspecting professional agencies under the provincial People's Committee and district People's Committees to implement administrative reform according to the province's administrative reform programs and plans approved; the implementation of the one-stop and one-stop shop mechanism at the specialized agencies of the provincial People's Committee, the district and commune People's Committees as stipulated by law and as directed by provincial People's Committee; 

d) Assisting the Provincial People's Committee to synthesize generally the implementation of regulations on autonomy and self-responsibility on using personnel for state agencies and the autonomy and self-responsibility on performing tasks, organizing apparatus and personnel for public non-business units as regulated by law; 

đ) Preparing reports on administrative reform submitted to the monthly meeting of the Provincial People's Committee; assisting the provincial People's Committee in preparing report to the Prime Minister and the Ministry of Home Affairs on administrative reform as regulated by law.


10. In terms of organizing associations and non-governmental organizations 

a) Appraising and submitting to the Chairman of the provincial People's Committee the decisions to permit the establishment, dissolution and approval of the charter of associations and non-governmental organizations in the province as provided by law. 

 b) Guiding and inspecting the implementation of the charter for associations, non-governmental organizations in the province. Submitting to the provincial People's Committee the settlement under the authority for the associations and non-governmental organizations violating the provisions of law and charter of association.

c) Presiding, combining with specialized agencies to submit to the provincial People's Committee and Chairman of the provincial People's Committee the decision on support for stabilizing life and production and other regimes and policies for association organizations as regulated by law.


11. In terms of archives  

a) Guiding and inspecting administrative agencies, non-business units and state enterprises in the province to abide by the regimes and law provisions on archives; 

b) Guiding and inspecting professional knowledge on the collection, protection, preservation and use of archives for agencies and units in the locality and the provincial Archives Center; 

c) Appraising and submitting to the Chairman of the provincial People's Committee to approve "List of sources and components of documents under the category of submission to the provincial Archives Center"; verifying "List of invalid documents" of the provincial Archives Center and district Archives Center.


12. In terms of religious affairs

a) Assisting the provincial People's Committee in directing, guiding, inspecting and organizing the implementation of the Party's guidelines and State policies and laws on religion and religious affairs in the province; 

b) Presiding, combining with relevant agencies in performing the tasks of state management of religion in the province as provided by law; 

c) Guiding professional skills on religious affairs; 

d) Acting as a focal point between local authorities and religious organizations in the province.


13. In terms of emulation and commendation 

a) Advising and assisting the provincial People's Committee and Chairman of the provincial People's Committee to direct and unify state management of emulation and commendation; concretizing the Party's guidelines and policies, the State's laws on emulation and commendation suitable to the actual situation of the province; performing permanent tasks of the provincial Emulation and Commendation Council; 

b) Advising the provincial People's Committee and the provincial Emulation and Commendation Council in organizing emulation movements; summing up partially, summing up emulation; combining with concerned agencies to propagate, disseminate and replicate advanced examples; implementing the Party and State's commendation policy; guiding to inspect the implementation of plans, contents of emulation and commendation in the province; organizing and rewarding forms of commendation as provided by law; 

c) Building, managing and using the emulation and commendation fund as provided by law; managing, allocating, revoking and exchanging commendation objects as decentralized and provided by law; 

d) Guiding professional skills on emulation and commendation.


14. Implementing international cooperation in home affairs and appointed fields as provided by law and as assigned by the provincial People's Committee.


15. Inspecting, supervising home affairs; settling complaints and denunciations; preventing and fighting against corruption and negative actions; practicing thrift and combating wastefulness and handling law violation in the fields as assigned by the provincial People's Committee and as provided by law. 

16. Providing professional guidance on the home affairs and other fields assigned to administrative agencies, non-business units of the province, the People's Committees of districts and communes. Assisting the Provincial People's Committee to perform the state management function according to the assigned fields for organizations of the Ministries, Central Branches and other localities headquartered in the province. 

17. Synthesizing and making statistics as guided by the Ministry of Home Affairs on the organization of administrative agencies and non-business units; the number of administrative units at district, commune, hamlet and residential quarter levels; the quantity and quality of staff of state cadres, civil servants and officials, and commune cadres and civil servants; state archives affairs; religion; emulation, commendation and other fields assigned.  

18. Researching and applying scientific and technical advances; building a system of information, archives and data to serve the management and professional skills in the fields assigned.

19. Directing and guiding to organize public service activities in the fields under the Department's management. 

20. Informing to report to the provincial People's Committee and the Ministry of Home Affairs on the implementation of assigned tasks as regulated.  

21. Managing apparatus organization, personnel, implementing salary regimes and policies, remuneration, commendation, discipline, training and fostering in professional skills for cadres and civil servants, officials of the Department as prescribed.  

22. Managing finance and assets of the Department as prescribed by law and decentralized by the provincial People's Committee. 

23. Developing decisions on functions, tasks, rights, apparatus organization, working relationships and responsibilities of the heads of organizations under the Department as prescribed by law to submit to the Chairman of the provincial People's Committee for decision or to decide under its competence.  

24. Performing other tasks assigned by the Provincial People's Committee, Chairman of the provincial People's Committee and as stipulated by law.



1. The Department acts as the legal entity with its own seal, funds for its operation and is allowed to open an account at the State Treasury.


2. Guiding and inspecting departments, agencies, districts and towns in implementing the decisions of the Government, the Ministry of Home Affairs and the provincial People's Committees on the home affairs under the responsibility of the Department.


3. Proposing or deciding under its competence on regimes and policies for Department's civil servants, officials as regulated by the State and under the management decentralization of provincial cadres.


(Functions, tasks and powers above issued together with Decision no. 43/2008/QD-UBND dated August 20, 2008 of Binh Duong Provincial People's Committee)

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