​BEGIC - 2016 Lunar New Year is coming; caring for the poor on Tet
occasion is paid much attention by all provincial levels, sectors
through carrying out diverse forms of activity; thereby, poor families
are able to have a warm Tet. We had an interview with Huynh Van Nhi (photo),
Chairman of provincial Vietnam Fatherland Front Committee, Deputy Head
of provincial Standing Committee the campaign "Day for the Poor".
​BEGIC - In 2016, Binh Duong is waiting for big opportunities as deeply integrating into the global economy.
​BEGIC - On occasion of Lunar New Year 2016, on Jan 18, leaders of
provincial Party Committee, People's Council, People’s Committee,
Fatherland Front Committee visited, offered Tet gifts to policy and poor
families, disadvantaged children in the province.
​BEGIC - During the last 20 years, Binh Duong has focused on
planning, upgrading infrastructure, developing industrial parks, while
expanding urban space, accelerating industrialization and modernization
process, thereby, accelerating the process of urbanization. The
urbanization process in the province has affected the economic
restructuring, land use structure, labor restructuring…
​BEGIC - Late January 12, Minh Long I Co. Ltd. at Hung Dinh Ward of Thuan
An Town held a ceremony marking the 45th anniversary of incorporation.
​BEGIC - Urban development program in the 2011-2015 period in Binh Duong
province has achieved important results, forming a foundation for
building up Binh Duong as a green, clean and beautiful industrial city
in the 2016-2020 period.
​BEGIC - Binh Duong Province is determined to improve its Provincial
Competitiveness Index (PCI) to reflex the rightful attractiveness to
investors who have been pouring their investments into Binh Duong
​BEGIC - As planned, localities and mass organizations in the province
will organize a variety of activities celebrating the 2016 Tet (Lunar
New Year) festival for young workers.
​BEGIC - The market for gifts meant for the upcoming Tet (Lunar New Year)
festival in Binh Duong has heated up with a wide range of items like
food, confectionary, household utensils, decorations…
​BEGIC - On celebrating the Party establishment, Tet Holiday, and a reforming nation welcoming the 12th National Party Congress, the success of the 10th Provincial Party Congress, the 86th anniversary of Communist Party of Vietnam establishment, the 80th
year of Thu Dau Mot Provincial Party Committee, Binh Duong Provincial
Propaganda and Education Board of Party Committee started up the contest
of learning about history of Communist Party of Vietnam and Binh Duong
Provincial Party Committee.