Thứ 5, Ngày 18/04/2024, 15:00
Business Delegations from South Korea and Mongolia learned about the investment environment in Binh Duong
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​PORTAL – On the afternoon of April 17th, at Binh Duong Provincial Administrative Center, Mr. Mai Hung Dung - Member of the Provincial Standing Party Committee, Standing Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee (PPC) received leadership delegations of Gia Dinh Group and businesses from South Korea and Mongolia to visit and learn about the investment environment in Binh Duong.

To welcome the delegations to Binh Duong, Mr. Mai Hung Dung – Standing Vice Chairman of the PPC informed the situation of the province's socio-economic development over the past time.

He emphasized that Binh Duong is focusing on smart and sustainable development. In particular, it is towards a green and carbon-neutral industry.

Overview of the meeting

Currently, the province is implementing some more industrial parks and clusters to attract projects of high-tech investment and advanced science and technology applications. In addition, Binh Duong also implements many renewable energy and green energy projects such as solar power, and biomass power from waste treatment, etc., to ensure compliance with the province's development orientation and policies.​

Mr. Mai Hung Dung – Standing Vice Chairman of the PPC gave a souvenir to the representative of the delegation

Mr. Nguyen Chi Trung – Chairman of Gia Dinh Group claimed that Binh Duong is one of the most attractive localities in Viet Nam in industrial development and attracting foreign investment. Gia Dinh Group is promoting to implementation Project of Tam Lap industrial cluster in Phu Giao district and inviting investors to participate.

Businesses from South Korea and Mongolia expressed interest when they visited industrial parks and clusters in Binh Duong. Besides, they also wanted to learn more about information, policies, and the investment environment of the province.

Delegates took a group photo

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