Thứ 3, Ngày 23/01/2024, 11:00
Binh Duong puts effort into fixing the problem of late online applications
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PORTAL – On the morning of January 22, at the Binh Duong Provincial Administration Center, The Steering Committee for Administrative Reform, Digital Transformation, Project 06, Provincial Smart City (Steering Committee) held regular meetings to evaluate the results of task implementation. Mr. Vo Van Minh - Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee (PPC) and Head of the Steering Committee chaired the meeting.

​​The meeting was attended by Mr. Mai Hung Dung –Standing Vice Chairman of the PPC and leaders of departments and branches.

At the meeting, the representative of the Center for Public Administration reported the results of the Set of Indicators 766. In week 3, 2024, Binh Duong province achieved 83.47 points, ranked 1 out of 63 localities.

Accordingly, the rate of documents synchronized to the National Public Service Portal (NPSP) reached 95.26%. The rate of documents processed on time is over 90%; the rate of online application submission reached 61.54%.


Overview of the meeting.

The rate of online payment documents reached 47.87%. The rate of dossiers with electronic results reached over 71%. The rate of digitizing records and resolving administrative procedures reached over 64%. The rate of exploitation and reuse of digital information and data reached over 24%.

Regarding the preparation for the 2023 summary ceremony, the Steering Committee plans to hold it on January 24, 2024, and combine online and face-to-face formats. The conference will listen to a summary report on the results of the Steering Committee's activities in 2023 and the direction and key tasks of the Steering Committee in 2024 (Attached is a list of key tasks of the Steering Committee in 2024. Detailed results report of the 5 Steering Groups); the report on the results of implementing Plan 200/KH-BCD on the implementation of "Second day of removing bottlenecks in administrative procedure reform and digital transformation to serve people and businesses"; the report on the results of the Set of indicators serving people and businesses (Set of Indicators 766). In addition, the conference will also listen to presentations from units about good experiences and practices and propose solutions to implement key tasks in the coming time.


Leaders of departments and branches report on the summary preparation work of the Steering Committee.

Speaking at the meeting, Mr. Vo Van Minh – Chairman of the PPC basically agreed with the contents of the Steering Committee's summary program. He highly appreciated the efforts of all levels and departments in implementing tasks on administrative reform, digital transformation, Project 06, and smart cities during the last week, especially the result of implementing the Set of Indicators 766. At the same time, he noted that units need to pay attention to improving the rate of digitization of records and results of resolving administrative procedures; the rate of exploitation and reuse of information and digitized data; and overcome the problem of late applications, especially online applications.


Mr. Vo Van Minh – Chairman of the PPC concludes the meeting.

Regarding Project 06, he assigned the Provincial Public Security to coordinate with other sectors to improve the rate of online services in some areas that still have problems. For digital transformation, it is necessary to speed up the implementation of the security and order surveillance camera model; it will be mandatory to deploy it in industrial parks, key roads, and BOT toll stations in the near future. In the implementation work, it is required that departments, districts, and towns have synchronous, unified, and effective coordination, etc.

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