Thứ 6, Ngày 05/01/2024, 23:00
Socio-economic development targets in 2024
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PORTAL - The People's Committee issued a Decision on assigning targets for the Socio-economic development targets in 2024.

Accordingly, there are 36 targets for socio-economic, environmental, and urban development in 2024.

Specifically, the province's Gross regional domestic product (GRDP) growth of 8 - 8.5% and GRDP per capita of 185.5 million VND.

In the economic structure, industry and construction account for 65.95%, services for 24.35% and agriculture - forestry - fisheries for 2.51%.

The index of industrial production (IIP) increases from 8.7%. Total retail sales and consumer service revenue increases from 13% to 14%.

Total export turnover increases by 9 - 10%, total import turnover increases by 9 - 10%.

Total State budget revenue in the area is 71.600 billion VND; total local budget expenditure is 33.050 billion VND.

Attracting foreign direct investment: 1,800 million USD.

Creating new jobs during the year for 35,000 workers.

Percentage of communes meeting new-style rural standards: 100%.

Percentage of public schools meeting national standards: 87.70%.

The ratio of doctors per 10,000 people: 7.90 doctors; Number of hospital beds per 10,000 people (excluding beds at health stations, general clinics, and regional general clinics): 21.4 beds.

Percentage of population participating in health insurance: 93.35%.

Percentage of households provided with clean, hygienic water: 99.65%.

Decision ​

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