Thứ 7, Ngày 16/10/2021, 14:00
Striving to reduce traffic accidents by 10% in all 3 criteria
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​PORTAL - On the afternoon of October 15, in Hanoi, Mr. Pham Binh Minh – Permanent Deputy Prime Minister and Chairman of the National Traffic Safety (TS) Committee chaired a National Teleconference to review the work of ensuring traffic order and safety (TOS) in the last 9 months and directions for the last 3 months of 2021.

​​At the Binh Duong bridge point, there were Mr. Vo Van Minh - Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee and leaders of departments, committees, branches and localities.

Traffic accidents are deeply reduced in all 3 criteria

As reported by the National TS Committee, in the past 9 months, there were 8,161 traffic accidents (TA) nationwide, killing 4,175 people, injuring 5,645 people. Compared to the same period in 2020, the number of TA decreased by 23.64%, the number of deaths decreased by 16.37%, the number of injured people decreased by 28.38%.

In 9 months, 51 provinces and Centrally-run cities had a decrease in the number of deaths due to TA compared to the same period in 2020.

In general, the TOS situation in the first 9 months of 2021 continued to have positive changes, all 3 criteria in terms of number of cases, number of deaths and injuries due to TA decreased compared to the same period in 2020. The above result is due to many reasons, of which the objective reason is that from mid-June until now, the implementation of strict social distancing regulations to prevent and control the 4th wave of Covid-19 pandemic in many localities leads to a very deep decrease in the number of vehicles and traffic participants compared to the same period in 2020.

At the same time, leaders of Ministries, branches, mass organizations and People's Committees at all levels have given timely instructions, suitable to the TOS situation and the pandemic prevention and control level. Police and functional forces, localities guide, support, ensure TS and pandemic prevention for people leaving pandemic areas to return to their hometowns by personal means.


Overview of the conference at Binh Duong bridge point

Besides, the Transport branch paid attention to investment, upgrading of traffic infrastructure, maintenance and repair of infrastructure to deal with black spots, potential points of TA; timely put into operation the application of vehicle identification technology by QR Code, organized a transport green flow to facilitate the circulation of goods, and ensured good control and limited the risk of spreading the Covid-19 pandemic; proactively developed a plan to mobilize vehicles and drivers to meet the needs of transportation for pandemic prevention and control, for production and business, and to pick up and bring people from pandemic areas to their hometown safely.

The propaganda, dissemination and education of the law on TOS continued to be concerned and promoted, adapting to the Covid-19 situation.

At the conference, the delegates assessed the causes of the shortcomings and limitations such as a part of the people who lacked knowledge and skills on TOS, deliberately violated them, and aggressively attacked law enforcement officers. Some delegates gave opinions that the Party executive committees and authorities in the localities have not paid due attention and lack of drastic measures in the combination between TOS assurance and Covid-19 prevention and control; still loose in control of vehicle load on the road, etc.

Binh Duong ensures smooth traffic associated with pandemic control

In the first 9 months of 2021, TA in Binh Duong province decreased deeply in all 3 criteria: the number of cases, the number of deaths and the number of injured people.

From December 15, 2020 to September 14, 2021, the entire province had 530 road TA, killing 152 people, injuring 497 people, and damaging 893 vehicles. Compared with the same period in 2020, down 432 cases (down 44.9%), down 52 deaths (down 25.5%), down 486 injured people (down 49.4%); no railway and inland waterway TA.

The TOS situation during the peak periods of Tet, April 30 and May 01 in association with the Covid-19 prevention and control was ensured. The coordination and synchronous implementation of solutions to overcome traffic congestion in localities with high density of people and vehicles participating in traffic and on key roads of the province have been gradually overcome, preventing prolonged traffic congestion.


Ensuring smooth traffic associated with pandemic control

Particularly in the 3rd quarter of 2021, due to the complicated situation of the Covid-19 pandemic, Binh Duong province implemented Directive 16/CT-TTg of the Government, so the forces of Traffic Police, Public Security, Military Control, and Transport Inspectorate have enhanced coordination in the Covid-19 prevention and control at pandemic control stations and checkpoints on the gateway to and from the province and the inter-district bordering areas. At the same time, organizing a combination of patrolling, controlling and handling violations of the law on TOS in association with the inspection and handling of violations on Covid-19 prevention and control; mobilizing the maximum force to participate in patrolling, controlling and regulating traffic, arranging a 24/7 response force at pandemic checkpoints to ensure smooth and safe traffic and prevent the spread of the pandemic, meeting the demand for transportation of goods for production and people's life in pandemic areas.

From July 16, 2021 to September 26, 2021, the functional forces at the pandemic checkpoints inspected more than 1,794,364 vehicles, detected and made minutes of sanctioning 448 cases of violations on epidemic prevention and control and TOS, and requested 19,260 cases of turning around due to failure to meet the requirements for pandemic prevention and control; conducted rapid test and detected 548 positive cases of SARS-COV-2.

Concluding the meeting, Permanent Deputy Prime Minister Pham Binh Minh said that the number of TA, deaths and injuries nationwide is still high, worrying, and unsustainable compared to many countries, especially in the recent context that many localities have applied distancing measures to combat the Covid-19 pandemic.

In the last 3 months of the year, the Covid-19 pandemic will be gradually controlled, the socio-economic recovery and growth will return, and it is forecasted that transportation activities will gradually increase again. The 4th quarter is also the end of the year, the demand for production, exchange, consumption of goods and people's travel will increase, especially on the occasion of New Year's Day 2022, so it will have a great impact on the work of ensuring TOS.


C14A7649.jpgPermanent Deputy Prime Minister Pham Binh Minh asks to strive to achieve the target of 2021 to reduce TA by 10% in all 3 criteria compared to 2020 in each locality

In that context, the Deputy Prime Minister asked the Ministries, branches and localities to be determined to achieve the target of 2021 to reduce TOS by 10% in all 3 criteria compared to 2020 in each locality; focus on effectively implementing Directive no. 18 of the Secretariat of the Party Central Committee; Resolution no. 12 of the Government on enhancing TOS assurance and combating traffic congestion in the 2019-2021 period and the Plan for Traffic Safety Year in 2021.

The National TS Committee organizes interdisciplinary delegations to inspect and urge localities to perform the task of TOS assurance in association with Covid-19 prevention and control.

The Ministry of Transport implements synchronously the tasks and solutions on vehicle load control; evaluates the results of the Plan to organize passenger transport activities during the time when localities loosen measures for Covid-19 prevention and control and make adjustments in accordance with Resolution no. 128 of the Government promulgating the temporary regulation on "Safe and flexible adaptation, effective control of the Covid-19 pandemic".

The Ministry of Public Security continues to coordinate with the Health, Transport branches and localities to maintain guidance and support to ensure TOS and pandemic prevention safety for people leaving localities to return to their hometowns by personal means.

Localities develop plans to implement Resolution no. 128 of the Government with a specific and feasible roadmap associated with patrolling, controlling and handling TOS violations.

Reported by Doan Trang - Translated by Nguyen Trang

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