Thứ 6, Ngày 24/09/2021, 16:00
Public investment adjustment plan in 2021
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​PORTAL - The Provincial People's Committee promulgates the Decision to assign targets for the Public investment adjustment plan in 2021. This Decision takes effect from September 21, 2021 and replaces Decision no. 3897/QD-UBND dated December 22, 2020 of the Provincial People's Committee on assigning targets of the Public investment plan in 2021 and Decision no. 931/QD-UBND dated April 14, 2021 of the Provincial People's Committee on adjusting the Public investment plan in 2021.

Accordingly, assigning the Public investment adjustment plan in 2021 to be 12,296 billion 699 million VND, down 59 billion 891 million VND compared to Decision no. 3897/QD-UBND dated December 22, 2020 and Decision no. 931/QD-UBND dated April 14, 2021 of the Provincial People's Committee. In which: Central budget capital is 392 billion 199 million VND; local budget capital is 11,904 billion 500 million VND.

Based on the assigned target of the Public investment adjustment plan in 2021, departments, committees, branches, mass organizations, People's Committees of districts, towns, cities and units directly under the Provincial People's Committee organize and strive to complete the assigned tasks well.

Reported by Doan Trang - Translated by Nguyen Trang

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