Thứ 4, Ngày 22/09/2021, 15:00
Supporting the development of preschool education in Binh Duong province
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​PORTAL - Binh Duong Provincial People's Council promulgates a Resolution on supporting the development of preschool education in the province. This Resolution was approved by the 10th Provincial People's Council, 2nd Meeting on September 10, 2021 and takes effect from the date of adoption.

Accordingly, it is applicable to independent preschool educational institutions (including independent children's groups, independent kindergarten classes, independent preschool classes) in the area with industrial parks, industrial clusters of the people-founded and private type, which have been licensed by competent authorities to establish in accordance with regulations, have at least 30% of children who are children of workers or employees working in industrial parks, industrial clusters.

Supporting to equip facilities once, including equipment, toys and teaching equipment according to the list prescribed by the Ministry of Education and Training and supporting the repair of facilities to directly serve the care, nurturing and education of children. Specifically: Supporting 30 million VND/independent preschool with under 35 children and 40 million VND/independent preschool with 35 to 70 children.

Allowances for preschool children who are children of workers, employees working in industrial parks or industrial clusters are studying at pre-school education institutions of the people-founded and private type, which have been licensed by competent authorities to establish and operate in accordance with regulation, whose parents or caregivers and nurturers are workers or employees working in industrial parks or industrial clusters with labor contracts signed by enterprises according to regulations.

Support level is 160,000 VND/child/month. The support period is calculated according to the actual number of studying months but not exceeding 09 months/school year.

For preschool teachers working at people-founded and private preschool education institutions in areas with industrial parks or industrial clusters, the support level is 800,000 VND/person/month. The support period is calculated according to the actual number of teaching months but not exceeding 09 months/school year.

The Provincial People's Committee organizes the implementation of this Resolution.

Reported by Yen Nhi - Translated by Nguyen Trang

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