Thứ 3, Ngày 21/09/2021, 16:00
Support regime for Population - Family Planning
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PORTAL - Binh Duong Provincial People's Council promulgates a Resolution on support regime for Population - Family Planning. This Resolution takes effect from October 01, 2021 and replaces Resolution no. 20/2014/NQ-HDND8 dated July 24, 2014 of the Provincial People's Council on the support regime for Population - Family Planning in Binh Duong province and Resolution no. 14/2015/NQ-HDND8 dated July 21, 2015 of the Provincial People's Council on support to buy Health insurance for Population - Family Planning collaborators in the 2016 - 2020 period in Binh Duong province.

Accordingly, the provincial budget (population non-business funding) is spent on Population - Family Planning activities. Specifically, supporting for voluntary sterilization: 300,000 VND/case.

Supporting for population - family planning collaborators in Thu Dau Mot, Thuan An, Di An cities; Ben Cat, Tan Uyen towns: 0.25 times the base salary/collaborator/month (01 collaborator is in charge of managing from 250 households - 350 households). Bac Tan Uyen, Bau Bang, Phu Giao, Dau Tieng districts: 0.3 times the base salary/collaborator/month (01 collaborator is in charge of managing 150 - 250 households; for hamlets with large areas and sparse population, arranging 01 collaborator/hamlet).

Supporting to transport subjects to perform sterilization and contraceptive implant: 0.2 liters of gasoline/km/case calculated according to administrative boundary distance and gas price at the time of use (for campaigns to strengthen propaganda and advocacy, to integrate reproductive health care and family planning, to improve population quality). At the same time, supporting means of contraception and associated service costs for poor households, near-poor households according to provincial standards and social protection beneficiaries.

The district, town and city budgets support 100% of the health insurance contributions for collaborators, except for the number of collaborators whose health insurance cards are supported by the state budget.

The provincial People's Committee organizes the implementation of this Resolution.

Reported by Yen Nhi - Translated by Nguyen Trang

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