Chủ Nhật, Ngày 19/09/2021, 18:00
Binh Duong has not yet implemented vaccination for children from 12 to under 18 years old
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​PORTAL - That is information from Dr. Nguyen Hong Chuong - Director of Binh Duong Department of Health when talking with Binh Duong Portal on the morning of September 18.

Mr. Chuong said that currently, the Ministry of Health has not allowed localities to vaccinate children from 12 to under 18 years old. To be ready with the permission and guidance of the Ministry of Health, the provincial Department of Health has just sent an official dispatch to the localities, the Education and Training branch, the Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs branch  to review and make a list of students and children from 12 to under 18 years old so that the Health branch can summarize the specific number and propose the Ministry of Health to allocate vaccines to Binh Duong and prepare human resources for the rapid and safe vaccination under the guidance of the Ministry of Health.

Regarding vaccination, on September 16, 2021, the Ministry of Health issued an express document no. 7717/BYT-DP to the Departments of Health of provinces and cities nationwide on strict implementation of the vaccination. To strictly implement the direction of the Government and the Prime Minister; the Ministry of Health requested the Department of Health of the provinces and centrally-run cities to continue directing vaccination establishments to organize vaccination for all cases aged 18 years and older as prescribed. Not vaccinating for ages outside the guidance of the Ministry of Health, in case there is an adjustment in the age of vaccination against Covid-19, the Ministry of Health will have instructions later. Pausing or suspending the vaccination activities if professional regulations are violated.

Reported by Mai Xuan - Translated by Nguyen Trang

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