Thứ 7, Ngày 18/09/2021, 18:00
Strengthening the application of information technology in the activities of state agencies, developing digital government and ensuring cyberinformation security
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​PORTAL - The Provincial People's Committee promulgates a Plan to apply information technology (IT) in the activities of state agencies, develop digital government and ensure cyber information security in Binh Duong province in the 2021-2025 period.

Accordingly, for IT application activities within state agencies, striving for at least 80% of administrative procedure records to be processed entirely online; 90% of work records of departments, branches, provincial agencies, 80% of work records of district-level agencies and 60 % of work records of commune-level agencies to be processed in the network environment; 80% of periodical reports of state agencies at the provincial - district - commune levels to be made through the province's information and reporting system and connect to the national reporting system, effectively serving the direction and administration activities, etc.

For IT applications to serve people and enterprises, striving for 100% of provincial public services at levels 3 and 4 to be provided on the provincial public service portal; 100% of public services at levels 3 and 4 that are popular, related to people and enterprises to be integrated into the National public service portal; at least 90% of people and enterprises to be satisfied with the settlement of administrative procedures; 100% of state agencies to participate in handling the issues reported by the people via Call Center 1022 on time, etc.

For information security, striving for 100% of state agencies at provincial and district levels and 50% of state agencies at commune level to be monitored for information security according to a 4-layer model through the provincial security operations center (SOC); 100% of information systems at provincial and district levels to be identified and ensure information system security by level, etc.

For IT applications serving the construction of smart cities, striving for 100% of departments, committees and branches to build a list of information and data resources and share them; deploying IT applications to serve smart cities in Binh Duong province.

The plan will be implemented in 5 years, from 2021-2025. The implementation will focus on a number of regular works and key projects and projects on computerization of activities at departments, committees and branches. 

The Department of Information and Communication cooperates with other departments, committees, branches and People's Committees of districts, towns and cities to focus on promoting communication, raising awareness, digital skills, enhancing interaction with people and enterprises; develop models of cooperation between state agencies and enterprises. At the same time, strengthening international cooperation in the development of Digital Government and ensuring cyberinformation security, especially for the twin provinces with Binh Duong province; ensuring capital to build the data integration and operations center, management and administration applications.

Reported by Doan Trang  - Translated by Nguyen Trang

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