Thứ 5, Ngày 09/09/2021, 17:00
Settlement results of voters' proposals before the 2nd Meeting – the 10th Provincial People's Council
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​PORTAL - Before the 2nd Meeting – the 10th Provincial People's Council, the Provincial People's Committee received 84 proposals from voters and assigned 18 departments, branches, localities and units to consider, solve and answer.

As a result, so far, 55/84 proposals have been solved, accounting for 65.47% and are continuing to solve 29/87 proposals, accounting for 34.53%.

In the coming time, in order for the settlement of voters' proposals to be highly effective, to avoid the existence of slowly solved and prolonged proposals, the Provincial People's Committee will focus on directing departments, committees and branches to continue reviewing and have a roadmap to definitively solve 29 proposals that are still being resolved to report to the Standing Committee of the Provincial People's Council for monitoring according to the prescribed schedule.  

Reported by Phuong Chi-Translated by Nguyen Trang

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