Accordingly, temporarily suspending the implementation of Official Dispatch no. 4395/UBND-NC dated September 03, 2021 on organizing people and vehicles of circulation in regions during the performance of social distancing in Binh Duong province (expected to apply from September 05, 2021) until further notice.
Department of Transport, Provincial Police, Provincial Military Command; People's Committees of districts, towns, cities and functional units continue to guide the inspection and control of transport vehicles and people in traffic with Circulation certificates as prescribed in previous directing documents.
For Travel cards, Certificates (promulgated together with Official Dispatch no. 4395/UBND-NC dated September 03, 2021 of the Provincial People's Committee) granted by agencies and units to individuals and vehicles, it is temporarily not valid for use (the agencies and units in charge of granting and distributing are responsible for notifying the subjects to know).
Provincial police in coordination with departments, committees, branches, People's Committees of districts, towns and cities continue to review the subjects who are granted Travel cards to advise the Provincial People's Committee to direct adjustments and supplements to suit the actual situation among areas at risk of Covid-19 pandemic in the province.
At the same time, stopping the implementation of Official Dispatch no. 4423/UBND-KT dated September 04, 2021 of the Provincial People's Committee on the plan to manage vehicles and people moving during the implementation of Directive 16.
Reported by Doan Trang - Translated by Nguyen Trang